Recital Series concert tonight
The Department of Music will present a
Faculty Recital Series concert at 7:30 p.m. tonight, in Fowler
Center, Riceland Hall. The concert will feature Sherry Baker, Matthew Carey, Dr.
Lauren Schack Clark, Dr. Dale Clark, Joy Fiala, and Dr. Ed Owen.
more information about the concert, see Faculty.
Dinner and a Movie tonight
The Office of Enrollment Services is hosting Dinner and a Movie tonight in the new Student Union for 2005 graduating
high school seniors and their parents. All the activities, which are free, will
begin at 5 p.m. Dinner begins at approximately 5:20 p.m. with a presentation at
6 p.m. “Ladder 49” will begin for the students in the auditorium at 6:30 p.m. while the parents attend an informative meeting with
coffee and dessert in the Mockingbird Room. For more details on tonight's
event, see Dinner.
Kearney to give lecture this week
celebration of Black History Month, the offices of Diversity and Student Affairs
will host author Janis F. Kearney this Wednesday, Feb. 2, at 6:30 p.m.
in the Student Union auditorium. Kearney, a native of the southeast Arkansas Delta, is a writer,
lecturer, and oral historian who served as personal diarist to President William
Jefferson Clinton, and was publisher of the award-winning Arkansas State
Press newspaper, formerly owned by civil rights legend Daisy Gaston Bates.
Kearney’s recently published book, Cotton Field of Dreams: a Memoir,
paints a vivid picture about the lessons children of cotton sharecroppers
learned from under-educated but wise parents whose greatest gift was to
encourage their children to dream.
A book signing will follow the lecture in the Mockingbird Room, adjacent
to the auditorium. For more details on Kearney's visit, please see Kearney.
Dr. Wyatt gives Legislative
update & budget review to UPC
President Dr. Les Wyatt gave the University Planning Committee (UPC) a current
Legislative update and mid-year budget review at this morning's meeting in the
8th floor board room of the Dean B. Ellis Library. The UPC is an advisory group
of faculty, staff, administration and students. For details, see
UPC update.
Regions Bank provides contribution for
Regions Bank presented a
major gift to ASU in Little Rock last Thursday, donating $100,000 to establish a
scholarship endowment for attracting outstanding students from Arkansas' Delta
region. Regions Bank representatives Jack Fleischauer, regional chief executive
officer (CEO) and Larry Worsham, Northeast Arkansas president and CEO, presented
the check to Dr. Les Wyatt during a brief ceremony.
Elixir of Love to open this
The Department of Music will present The Elixir of Love, a two-act comic
opera by Gaetano Donizetti
at 7:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday, Feb. 4 and 5, in Fowler
Center’s Drama Theatre.
Tickets prices are $7 at the door and $6 in
advance. Tickets can be purchased at the ASU
Central Box Office or
by calling 972-ASU1. For more details,
please visit Elixir.
Percussion Group to perfor m at Fowler Center
Fowler Center will host Ethos Percussion Group at 7:30 p.m. on
Tuesday, Feb. 8, as the sixth performance of the season.
Percussion Group, a four-member ensemble, is dedicated to the advancement of
percussive arts in performance and education. The ensemble is known for their
use of a wide variety of instruments and musical styles. The
concert will feature “Missa Luba,” a mass in Congolese style for a mixed
chorus with a tenor soloist and percussion. “Missa Luba” will also feature
the ASU choirs.
tickets to the performance are $25 and $20 for adults, $18 and $14 for seniors. Tickets are available to ASU students for the special price of $9
and $6.
more information on seating options or to purchase tickets, call 870-972-2781 or
visit http://tickets.astate.edu. For
more information on Ethos' performance, visit Ethos.
art exhibit opens at Jazzman's Cafe
The spring semester's art exhibition,
"Green," has opened at Jazzman's Hardwired Cafe, featuring upper
level art students and works of lush green colors, in stark contrast to the lack
of color in winter. Jazzman’s is located on
the corner of Caraway and Johnson, and is open Monday-Friday from 7 a.m.- 2
a.m., Saturdays from 7 a.m.- midnight and Sundays 11 a.m.- 2 a.m. For more
information about the exhibit, see Green.
Enrollment for Spring 2005 includes 189
first-time freshmen
At the end of the 11th day of classes,
known as the census date by the Arkansas Department of Higher Education, a
snapshot of enrollment is given. For Spring 2005, the unduplicated headcount for
all instructional sites associated with the Jonesboro campus is 9,818. For the
Spring semester of 2004, the same count was 9,918. New undergraduate students enrolled this spring include 189
first-time freshmen and 410 undergraduate transfer students. In addition, there
are 656 students enrolled in web-based instruction provided by the Jonesboro
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