99th Year
Nov. 17, 2008
ASU Jazz and Lab Bands in
concert tonight, 7:30 p.m., Riceland Hall, Fowler Center
Lecture-Concert Series
presents Dr. Story Musgrave,
NASA Hall of Fame astronaut, Tuesday, Nov. 18,
7 p.m.,
Student Union Auditorium
ASU Theatre presents
"The Rimers of Eldritch,"
Friday-Saturday, Nov. 18-19, 7:30 p.m.,
Fowler Center
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Dr. Allen travels to Japan, Washington D.C.
Dr. Susan Allen, distinguished
professor and director, Arkansas Center for Laser Applications and
Science, recently attended the 6th International Conference
on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications (ICPEPA 208) in Sapporo,
Japan. The four-day event was composed of technical, oral, and
poster sessions. While there, Dr. Allen served as the chairperson
for “Dynamics and Simulation.” Academics from Penn State, Virginia,
Japan, and France presented papers and addressed the gathering on
laser technology. Immediately following her departure from Japan,
Dr. Allen was a guest at the White House for the awarding of the
National Medals of Science and Technology and Innovation. The awards, presented by President George W.
Bush, were given to eight of the nation’s top scientists in the
fields of physical sciences, chemistry, engineering, and biological
sciences. In his remarks, President Bush called the honorees "people
whose discoveries have changed America and the world."
Dr. Hansen presents paper, chairs panel,
at conference
Dr. Gregory Hansen, English and
Philosophy, recently presented a paper, "Commonplaces
and Common Places in Fiddle Tunes and Stories from
at the American Folklore Society's annual meeting held
in Louisville, Kentucky. This presentation was part of a
panel session, "Music and Performance," that Dr. Hansen
chaired. This presentation explored the meeting's theme
of "The Commons and the Commonwealth" by examining the
public presentation of traditional music and
storytelling within a workshop presentation at a folk
festival in Jacksonville, Fla. An article derived
from this research was recently accepted for publication
in a volume of essays on Florida's folklife to be
published by the University of Mississippi Press in
Dr. Johnson presents papers at
Warren Johnson, French, recently presented papers at two
conferences. He presented “Daudet’s Remappings,” at the annual
Nineteenth-Century French St udies
Colloquium held this year at Vanderbilt University, discussed the
conflation of the representation of Algeria and the south of France
in the work of the novelist Alphonse Daudet and how this conflation
problematizes claims by Edward Said about Western conceptions of the
Orient. Johnson presented “Le rire de l’ogre: comique et grotesque
dans le roman et conte québécois,” at the conference of the
Association Internationale des Études Québécoises, held at Laval
University, Quebec City, Quebec. The paper treated the fusion of
comic and grotesque elements in certain contemporary Quebec novels
and short stories, creating a loss of the positionality
traditionally associated with the comic.
ASU 2008 Percussion Ensemble presents concert
The ASU Percussion Ensemble will present a concert Tuesday, Nov. 18,
at 7:30 p.m. in the Don Minx Rehearsal Hall, Fine Arts Center. The concert is free of charge and open to the
public. Under the direction of Craig Collison, Music, the
ensemble will perform three pieces: “Layers” by Lynn Glassock;
“Mudra” by Bob Becker, featuring soloist Janet Rooney; and “Eye
Irascible” by Steve Riley. For details, contact
Craig Collison, call
the music department at ext. 2094, or see the
NewsPage release.
Department of Languages announces Dardashe
ASU's Department of Languages invites all speakers of modern
standard Arabic to attend Dardashe, the Arabic Conversation Table.
Dardashe is held every Wednesday at 12 noon in the Student Union,
first floor. For details, contact
Myrna Abdallah,
Arabic, at ext. 3887, or e-mail
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