Homecoming activities highlight this week
The Alumni Association will host a Tailgate Party
west of Indian Stadium before Saturday's 6 p.m.
Homecoming game,
from 4 - 5:30 p.m. It is free and open to all ASU Alumni. Triple FM
radio will be cooking traditional tailgate fare and 'Chippy Kazoo'
the clown will be on hand to entertain the youngsters. See old
friends, meet new ones, visit with fellow ASU alumni and relax
before the game. The Bowlegged Roosters will provide great live
music at the ASU Alumni Association's 5th Quarter Party at the Holidome after the game. The 5th Quarter Party is free and open to
all ASU alumni, with commemorative refillable cups available at $5
for Alumni Association members and $10 for non-members.
Click here
for the the Alumni Association's calendar of activities, and
click here
for student events.
ABI seminar 'Research & Resources'
The Arkansas Biosciences
Institute at ASU will conduct a seminar, "R&R in the Bioinformatics World
(Resources and Research in Arkansas)" Wednesday, Oct. 19, from 3
to 5 p.m. in the ABI 107 conference room. Speakers will be Dr.
Steve Jennings of UALR, "Bioinformatics Resources within Arkansas
and the Region"; Dr. Richard Segall, Decision Sciences, ASU, "Data Mining of
Micro-array Databases for Biotechnology"; and Dr. Xiuzhen Huang,
Computer Science, ASU, "Parameterized Computation in Bioinformatics." For
details, contact Dr. Jeff Jenness in the Department of Computer
Science, 972-3978.
Dr. Jack Zibluk
to moderate discussion at other ASU
Jack Zibluk,
Journalism, will be moderating a
discussion on the ethics of the paparazzi and the entertainment industry at the inaugural E2 Ethics
and Entertainment Media Conference later this month at Arizona State
University. The panel will also feature Peter Hawes,
former New York Times magazine photo editor. The conference will feature an appearance
by retiring Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.
Be a star and give to Torchbearers!
Be a star on
campus, and join Torchbearers! Gifts to Torchbearers provide for
academic programs and are sometimes used immediately, for lab
equipment or classroom materials, while other gifts take longer to be
appreciated, as in the case of faculty research or student
scholarships. Either way, the impact of “enlightening” education is
immeasurably valuable. Let your light blaze for this generation and
the ones to come. To join 321 of your colleagues who are
click here.
Besides being a star, you can also be a winner in the drawing on
Nov. 3 and win dinner for two at Upper Crust Pizza Company, a watch
from Vetcare, or a $25 gift certificate from Golden Grotto.
Benefits Fair: Oct. 27 at the Convocation Center
The annual
Benefits Fair will be held Thursday, Oct. 27, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
in the Convocation Center, Hames Room. To celebrate the casino
theme, some of the payouts include: two Gaither Concert tickets,
Malco movie passes, a massage gift certificate, one semester’s free
membership to the Student Union Fitness Club, a $20 gift certificate
from J&M Cakes, and a Krups Coffee Maker from the ASU Bookstore.
There will be opportunities to visit with representatives from
current benefit providers including TIAA-CREF, VALIC, Blue
Advantage, Delta Dental, St. Bernards, Cingular Wireless, NEA Credit
Union, and CNA Long-term care. St. Bernards will also be conducting
free health screenings. As a reminder, open enrollment begins on
Tuesday, Nov. 1, and continues throughout the entire month. Make an appointment with your Human Resources
representative during open enrollment to make any benefit changes.
Delta National Small Prints opens
Thursday week
This year ASU celebrates the 10th anniversary of
the Delta National Small Prints Exhibition. The opening reception
will be held Thursday, Oct. 20, at 5 p.m. in the Bradbury Gallery of
Fowler Center, home to the exhibit for the past five years. The
exhibit will continue through Nov. 18.
Click here for details.
A Day @ ASU, a huge success
last week
A Day @ ASU
on Oct. 11 was a new recruiting event for students who scored 24 or
above on the ACT, featuring The Honors College and the ASU Biosciences
Institute. The goal of the event for the Office of Admissions was to
have at least 30 students on campus; however, more than 50 students
registered and had a great time learning about ABI and
Board of Trustees to meet by
conference call
The ASU Board of Trustees will meet by telephone conference call on
Tuesday, Oct.
18, at 2 p.m. The call will originate from the President’s Office
Conference Room. The agenda includes one item, “Resolution
Authorizing ASU-Beebe to Issue Bonds for the Construction of the
ASU-Heber Springs Campus.”
Chamber Singers and Concert
Choir to perform
The Department of Music will present the Concert
Choir and Chamber Singers tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Riceland
Hall of Fowler Center, under the direction of Dr. Dale Miller.
Musical selections for the Concert Choir include: The Star
Spangled Banner, To Everything There Is a Season, Lux
Aurumque, Kyrie and Dies Irae from Mozart’s
Requiem, Sure on this Shining Night, Amazing Grace,
Deep River and Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel.
The Chamber Singers will perform: All Creatures Now Are Merry
Minded, While the Bright Sun, Ecco Mormor L’onde,
and Bonzorno Madonna. The women of the Chamber Singers will
sing Mon Coeur Se Recommande a Vous, a French chanson and the
men will sing A Round of Three Country Dances in One.
Click here for more details and a
list of participants.
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