Malpezzi and Clements publish article
Dr. Frances Malpezzi,
English, and Dr. William Clements, English & Folklore,
published "The Gentrification of Polenta" in a recent issue of
Italian Americana. The article focuses on changing attitudes
toward a basic staple in the cuisine of northern Italian immigrants
to America and is part of Malpezzi and Clements' on-going study of
Italian-American folkways.
Cherisse Jones-Branch presents in
Little Rock
Cherisse Jones-Branch, History, presented "To Speak When and
Where I Can: African American Women’s Organizations and
Political Activism in 1940s South Carolina," at the Arkansas
Association of College History Teachers meeting in Little Rock on
Oct. 7.
underway at Academic Advising
The Wilson Center for Academic Advising
and Learning Assistance has implemented a new
online tutorial to help students. “Smarthinking” offers real time
assistance in math, macroeconomics and microeconomics, accounting,
statistics, chemistry, Spanish and writing. The tutors or e-structors
are available up to 24 hours a day. The service helps students who
have an understanding of the subject but need assistance with a
particular problem.
In addition to Smarthinking, Academic Advising also works with students
in other ways. Students can be referred to a tutor in the office or
even back to their professor, all in an effort to improve retention
rates at ASU. For more details, see the
Senator Caraway achievements to be recalled
ASU will host Senator Hattie
Caraway Day on Monday, Oct. 24, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the
Student Union auditorium. The event will recognize Caraway,
long-time Jonesboro resident, who in 1932 became the first woman
elected to the U.S. Senate. This free public event is sponsored by the College of Humanities
and Social Sciences, more specifically, the faculty of the women and
gender studies minor and Phi Alpha Theta history honors society.
This event also recognizes the 50th anniversary of the
Arkansas League of Women Voters. Click here
for details about the program and speakers.
A big order of
coffee and bacon coming up!
So far, 393 members of faculty and
staff, joined by 28 retired members, have joined Torchbearers, with
each person giving $50 or more to support academic programs through the ASU
Foundation. You do the math -- that’s a lot of student scholarships,
programming for KASU, classroom technology, and student
activities. You will be recognized for your philanthropy on
Thursday, Nov. 3, as all Torchbearers will gather in the Student
Union to enjoy bacon, eggs, coffee and all the favorite side dishes.
If you’re one of the lucky ones, you will carry home a door prize,
like a case of Warrior Water from Morse Company, a master gift box
from Riceland, or a $50 gift certificate from Colony Shop. For more
details, call 972-2718.
Commission has begun its work
As President Wyatt announced in his First
Friday report to the campus on Oct. 7, ASU has formed a Centennial
Commission to plan and direct the activities and initiatives for the
celebration of the institution's upcoming 100th anniversary.
The legislation establishing the school that evolved into ASU was
signed on April 1, 1909, and the first day of class was Oct. 3,
1910. Members of the campus community will have many opportunities
to get involved in this process over the next five years.
Opening of Delta National
Small Prints Exhibition
10th anniversary edition of the Delta National Small Prints
Exhibition will open with a reception Thursday, Oct. 20, at 5 p.m.
in the Bradbury Gallery of Fowler Center. Bradbury Gallery
has been home to the exhibition for the past five years. Delta
National Small Prints, which was
founded in 1996 by Evan Lindquist, now emeritus professor of art,
has grown to be one of the country's major print competitions. The exhibit will continue through
Friday, Nov. 18.
Poetic Perception in Our Brave New
Dr. Wayne Narey, English,
will present "Poetic Perception in Our Brave New World," as part of
the Brown Bag Lecture Series Friday, Nov. 4, at 2 p.m. in the
International Education Center. Dr. Narey will present the lecture
on the importance of poetry.
Book Fair: today
& tomorrow at the library
The annual Book
Fair will be held today and tomorrow in the lobby of the Dean B.
Ellis Library. Today, the hours are from noon until 5 p.m., and
tomorrow the hours are from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. The Book Fair is being
held in lobby area, near the coffee cart. There is a wide assortment
of books for people of all ages, some interesting gift items and all
with great prices.
'Colleges Against Cancer' plans activities at ASU
The week of Oct. 17-21 is the 2nd annual
Cancer Awareness Week sponsored by the university group Colleges
Against Cancer. Read about the
group's plans in recognition of Cancer Awareness Week.
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