Campus safety and security are high priorities
In response to
reported criminal incidents on campus, the University Police
Department and the
Division of Student Affairs have been taking steps to improve
safety, and additional safety measures are being planned. Among
the highlights:
* Reports of assaults to UPD are given the highest priority for
* University Police developed a "Stay Safe" flyer that has been
distributed throughout the on-campus residence facilities and posted
on the UPD web site.
* The "Stay Safe" flyer will be distributed to instructors in First
Year Experience classes, to share with their students.
* UPD has established a police sub-station at the North Park Quads
to increase its visibility in the area. Resident Assistants
have been conducting more rounds and addressing safety concerns, and
will be implementing safety awareness and community watch programs
during the upcoming week.
* Police officers are conducting more frequent patrols, both by car
and on foot, in buildings and around campus up efforts to provide
the safest campus possible.
* Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to be familiar with the
location of emergency phones around campus. Push one button to
reach UPD and report crime or suspicious activity.
* UPD has established a web site where individuals may report
information anonymously that might help with preventing or solving
crimes. Click on
http://police.astate.edu then the link to the "silent witness"
* Everyone is welcome to register items of value with the UPD by
going to the same web site and following the link.
* UPD encourages the university community to help by reporting
suspicious activity, programming the UPD number, 972-2093, into your
cell phone, and calling for a UPD escort if needed.
* SGA, Student Affairs, UPD, and Facilities Management personnel
will conduct their annual campus walk-through Tuesday evening to
identify safety concerns for action.
More information will be distributed as other steps are taken to
assure everyone of a safe and secure campus.
Distinguished alumni named for 2006
The ASU Alumni Association has named two ASU
graduates to be recognized as Distinguished Alumni of 2006.
Sherland Hamilton of Rector and Marilyn
McCracken Hummelstein of Jonesboro will be honored during Homecoming
festivities, Oct. 20-21. Read about these two outstanding
alumni on the Alumni Association
web page.
Heritage Studies Ph.D. program
issues 'headlines'
The Heritage Studies Ph.D.
Program has issued its latest newsletter, available in PDF
format by clicking here.
The newsletter recognizes several recent achievements by Ph.D.
students and the faculty.
Museum director appointed: Dr. Marti Lu Allen
Another highlight from the
Heritage Studies Ph.D. Program
newsletter is the announcement of
Dr. Marti Lu Allen as the new director of the ASU Museum. Dr. Allen
comes from Brigham Young University, where she has served as
director of the Museum of Peoples and Cultures since 1991. She
received her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan, and is a
classical archaeologist/art historian and certified in museum
practices. Read more about her in the newsletter. Welcome to
Dr. Allen!
Lecture-Concert Series to
present civil rights activist
The next presentation in the Lecture-Concert Series will be a
lecture by civil rights activist Diane Nash on Thursday, Oct. 5.
Click here to read about her
presentation, co-sponsored by the Office of Diversity.
Torchbearers welcome generous Kings and Queens
announced in
Wednesday's edition that the Torchbearers campaign has begun, and
here's more news . . . Torchbearers receive a gift and an invitation
to the annual breakfast on Nov. 2, where door
prizes add to the fun. . Those who give $50 -
$99 will receive a deck of playing cards. Centennial members,
those who give $100 or more, will receive a baseball-style
Torchbearers t-shirt. Help stack the deck for success
by joining your colleagues in Torchbearers. Most faculty and
staff who join select payroll deduction for convenience. Donors may
designate how the gift will be used. Deal other questions to Elaine Poynter, ext.
2718 or epoynter@astate.edu.
Honor top ASU students through Who's Who
Reminder: Please
remind your outstanding students about the Who's Who Among Students In American
Universities and Colleges program at ASU. Applications are
available at http://whoswho.astate.edu. The
application deadline is next Wednesday, Oct. 4. Contact the
Student Affairs Office at 972-2048 or 972-3355 for details.
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