AAR announces personnel changes
for the new fiscal year
The Office of Academic Affairs and Research is pleased to announce
the following personnel moves effective July 1, 2008.
Dr. Kathryn Jones' role to include
university assessment
Dr. Kathryn Jones,
director, Institutional Research and Planning, is now resp onsible
for university assessment activities. Her new title is director,
Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment. This expanded role
will allow more fluid relationships between assessment and
institutional research and planning. Barbara Doyle,
University College, has served in the assessment capacity for the
past two years and is credited for moving the assessment agenda
forward during this time. Doyle will return to her former position
as an instructor in University College.
Torres promoted to director,
Henry Torres, interim director,
Center for Learning Technologies, has been prom oted
to the position of director for the Center for Learning
Technologies. As interim director of the center for the past 8 ½
months, Torres has advanced the activities of the center in
significant ways, including the development of a strategic plan and
working with ITS to secure upgrades for the faculty computer lab.
Torres brings significant work experience in the technology industry
and university instructional experience to the position.
Dr. Hood to serve as P. I. for
$1.845 million grant
Dr. Beth Hood, associate vice chancellor, Research and
Technology Transfer, has relinquished her duties as associate vice
chancellor to work as
the full-time principal investigator (P. I.) of a $1.845 million
grant from the Department of Energy and private sources. The grant,
"Ethanol from agriculture for Arkansas and America" was awarded for
developing technologies to enable ethanol production from plant
material. Dr. Hood has played a critical role in laying the
foundation for future success in the Office of Research and
Technology Transfer. A national search is currently underway to find
a replacement for Dr. Hood, who will remain involved in the
activities of the Office of Research and Technology Transfer through
the end of the calendar year.
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