June 16, 2003
This week:
Summer Children's Theatre,
"Peter Rabbit and Me," 10 a.m., June
17-19, and 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., June 20, Fowler Center. Central Box Office,
972-ASU1, or http://tickets.astate.edu/
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Federally funded McNair grant awarded
to ASU
A program that will help
students achieve their goal of graduate education will be coming to
Arkansas State University. ASU was successful with its application
for a grant under the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement
Program, administered by the federal TRIO program. The grant of
$943,143 will support the program at ASU. Participants in the
McNair program are students from disadvantaged backgrounds who have
demonstrated strong academic potential. McNair institutions, like
ASU, work closely with the participants through their undergraduate
requirements, encourage their entrance into graduate programs, and track
their progress to successful completion of advanced degrees. By helping
students prepare for the challenges of advanced research and
scholarship, the program will help boost the number of doctoral degrees
awarded to students from underrepresented backgrounds. Dr. Andy
Sustich, interim dean of Arts and Sciences, and Dr. Robyn Hannigan,
geology, prepared the grant proposal. See details at the
SSQRL makes its 'first run'
So what is SSQRL? That's the Social Science Quantitative
Research Lab at ASU. The lab recently completed its first order,
according to co-directors Dr. William McLean and Dr. Patrick Stewart in
the Political Science Department. Located in the International
Student Center, the lab provides services to individuals, businesses,
and organizations who desire public opinion, data, data mining, and
program and policy evaluation data. The first use of the new lab
was co-sponsored by the Department of Political Science, the Master of
Public Administration (MPA) program, and the United Way of Greater
Jonesboro. The inaugural polling data, gathered by telephone, will
be used to assess the social service and community needs of Greater
Jonesboro. Results will be distributed through local news media
outlets. Congratulations to all involved with bring the lab to
Topping out ceremony
planned for June 26
A "topping out" ceremony is being planned at the
Biosciences/Biotechnology Building under construction on the south edge
of the campus. The event will start at 11 a.m. on Thursday, June
26, at the construction site. Watch
next week's edition of Inside ASU for more details.
'Welcome Week' calendar deadline
When new students arrive in
August, we want to make them feel as welcome as possible . . . the time
designated for this purpose is Welcome Week, Aug. 23-27. It's not too
early to plan activities . . . in fact, if the event you are planning is
open to all incoming students, you need to provide information for the
Welcome Week calendar by July 1. "Groovin' on the grounds" is the
theme this year. Let Neely
Branch, director of Student Involvement, hear from you about your
plans if you haven't already contacted her.
Graduates on commencement list are from
broad area
Now that the final list
of graduates has been compiled for the spring semester, a quick look at
the class distributions is interesting. Of the 978 degrees
awarded, 91 were graduate level. A total of 194 seniors were
recognized for academic achievement, either through their Honors work
or their high grade point average (summa, magna or cum laude), or both.
While most of the grads were from Arkansas, 52 were from our neighboring
state of Missouri; 66 were from 22 other states; and 19 were from 12
other countries.
Faculty opinion pieces invited
Here's an another opportunity
for faculty members . . . The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette will consider
publishing opinion articles and commentary on the op-ed page about
timely and interesting topics, provided the writer has pertinent
academic preparation. Before developing a complete article, it's
usually a good idea to submit a short summary to the page editor.
Contact Tom Moore in University
Communications for details.
Ideas and material are welcome
Repeated from last edition: We
are reminding the campus community that Inside ASU
includes news and information for all faculty and staff. You may
submit information for possible inclusion to Tom Moore, tmoore@astate.edu, in the
University Communications office.
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