Faculty & staff inducted to Phi Kappa
Chapter 141 of the inter-disciplinary National Honor Society of Phi
Kappa Phi inducted 53 student members last month. Student
membership is by invitation in recognition of character
and academic achievement of juniors, seniors, and graduate students.
In addition, the society inducted three members of the faculty and
staff in recognition of their outstanding professional service to
ASU: Dr. Neal Vickers, Career Services; Dr. Carole L.
Cramer, Arkansas Biosciences Institute; and Dr. Michael K.
Cundall, Honors.
For all the latest faculty and staff
achievements, go to Campus News.
Board of
Trustees, meeting update
On Friday,
the Board of Trustees met via telephone conference call and approved
a resolution for ASU-Jonesboro to construct and operate a child
development center. With the assistance of ABC (Arkansas Better
Chance) grant funding, the child development center will accommodate 80 children
in the ABC program, currently operated at a local church. Up
to 40 additional slots will be available with priority given to
children of ASU
students, faculty, and staff. The site for the proposed center is
south of the family student housing complex. Dr. Wyatt
covered this and other highlights of 2005-06 in his
Friday report for May, which was distributed through campus
e-mail Friday.
Staff picnic is Wednesday
The annual staff picnic will be this
Wednesday at the Pavilion from 11 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. and will
include a silent auction and bake sale. The lunch is free with tons
of hot dogs and hamburgers, potato salad, baked beans, chips and
The committee has been hard at work gathering nearly 100 donated items
for the silent auction as this part of the event is the primary
fund-raiser for the Staff Senate, which awards educational stipends
to staff members or their dependents. Last year, 10 individuals
received $200 in educational stipends. Mark your calendars and
come join the fun to raise money for a worthy cause!
Chancellor Search committee
continues work
The Chancellor Search
Committee met two days last week, according to Dr. Glen Jones,
committee chair. Members continued a review of the 22 current
applications with no further action being taken. The next meeting of
the Chancellor Search Committee has not been set at this time.
Financial presentation
available on web
The financial report
that Jennus Burton, vice president for finance and administration,
presented to the Board of Trustees on May 4 has been posted to the
web for the convenience of the university community. Please
note that the PowerPoint presentation, which covers the ASU system, is rather
large and may take a few moments to load.
Click here to access it.
Book author Allyson Lewis to
be honored tonight
Allyson Lewis of Jonesboro,
author of "The Seven Minute Difference," will be honored
tonight from 6 until 9 p.m. with the national launch of her new book
at Books-A-Million on Caraway Road. Lewis is known to many in
the ASU family as an avid supporter of the university. Light
refreshments will be served and Lewis will autograph
copies of the book. More details are available at
SWAT team exercise Tuesday in Twin Towers
Please don't be alarmed by the
sight of police officers around Twin Towers early Tuesday morning.
Now that the residents have moved out, the Jonesboro Police
Department SWAT team will utilize the building to practice entry
techniques and building
searches. Training exercises are also scheduled
for May 25 and 30.
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