April 24, 2006

This week:

Ringers, handbell choir concert,
7:30 p.m., tonight

* Study Day, no classes, Tuesday

* Final Exams
begin Wednesday

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Dr. Coleman receives recertification from NICET
Dr. Charles Coleman
, Engineering, has received his recertification from NICET (National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies). A NICET certification is granted when applicants have demonstrated, through examination and work experience, the knowledge and skills required to properly function in a capacity relevant to the certification.

Dr. Edrington co-authors paper; presents in KorDr. Chris Edringtonea
Dr. Chris S. Edrington
, Engineering, has co-authored a paper with colleagues from the University of Texas. The paper titled Innovative Techniques for the Measurement of Mutual Inductance of a Switched Reluctance Machine, is accepted for publication and presentation at the IEEE-Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC) to be held in Jehu, Korea, this June.

Delta Symphony concert to feature Dr. Clark
The Delta Symphony Orchestra will present the annual Spring Pops Concert, featuring George Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue with pianist Dr. Lauren Shack Clark as soloist on Saturday, April 29, at 7:30 p.m. in Fowler Center. Call 870-972-ASU1 for tickets. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 senior for adults and $5 for students (college age and under).

Annual staff picnic: Wednesday, May 17
The annual staff picnic will be Wednesday, May 17, from 11 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. with tons of hot dogs and hamburgers, potato salad and baked beans, plus a silent auction and bake sale. Volunteers are needed, as this event normally serves approximately 450 people. So, please contact Ann Ford at 2067 or via email at aford@astate.edu to help. The staff picnic is the only fund raiser for the Staff Senate with the proceeds benefiting the Staff Senate Education Stipend. Last year, 10 individuals received $200 in educational stipends.

Philosophy faculty publishes and presents
Four faculty members in philosophy have recently published several articles, been invited for presentations and been selected for an NEH program.
   Dr. Eric Cave
published an encyclopedia article titled "Seduction" in Sex from Plato to Paglia: A Philosophical Encyclopedia, Greenwood Press.  His article "A Normative Version of Expected Utility Theory" will be in the next issue of Journal of Value Inquiry.  He also presented his paper "Manipulation and Autonomy" at the 33rd Conference on Value Inquiry: Market Values and Moral Values, in Rockeville Center, N.Y.
   Dr. Don Merrell’s article "Believing With All Your Might: A Problem for Doxastic Degrees" is forthcoming from the Southwest Philosophical Review. His article "Theoretical Identity, Reference Fixing, and Boyd's Defense of Type-Materialism" is forthcoming from Philosophia.  Merrell’s article "Token Materialism is Not Immune to Kripke's Essentialist Anti-Materialist Argument" was published in Philosophia, and he presented his paper "Introspection and Belief" at the New Mexico/Southwest Texas Philosophical Society annual meeting in Las Cruces, N.M.
   Dr. Jeanine Weekes Schroer will present an invited paper “Blue Delta: Radical Black Feminist in the Conservative South” at the Central Division Meeting of the American Philosophical Association  this week in Chicago.
   Dr. Robert Schroer’s article “The Reticence of Visual Phenomenal Character: A Spatial Interpretation of Transparency,” was accepted for publication in The Australasian Journal of Philosophy.  He presented his paper "Recognizing the connection between the Explanatory Gap, Transparency, and the 'Recognitional Concept Strategy,' " at the 98th annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology in Charleston, S.C.  He will present his paper "Can the mere passage of time justify a belief? A defense of memory foundationalism," at the Central Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association in Chicago.  Schroer also has been selected to participate in a six-week National Endowment for the Humanities summer seminar, “Mind and Metaphysics” at Washington University in St. Louis.

Steel Bridge Design team wins again!
For the seventh year in a row, the ASU Steel Bridge Team will compete at the National Student Steel Bridge Competition on May 26-27 in Salt Lake City after receiving second place overall in the Deep South Regional Conference recently, in Memphis. The Steel Bridge Team placed first in construction speed and economy. The team also placed second in stiffness, efficiency, lightness and aesthetics. The Concrete Canoe Team (shown at left) received third place over all. They also received third place in the men’s sprints, men’s endurance and the co-ed race. Faculty advisor is Dr. Tom Parsons, director of civil and agricultural engineering.

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