April 14, 2003
This week:
* Premiere of the film based on John Grisham's A Painted House, tonight,
8 p.m., Fowler Center (all seats are sold)
* Visiting Artist Lecture: Floyd Casey, animator for Disney, 7 p.m., Tuesday,
Fine Arts Center Recital Hall
* Paul E. Couch Lecture Series presents Dr. Gary Galluzzo, 7 p.m., Tuesday,
Convocation Center
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professor's book published
Congratulations to Dr. Michael
P. Spikes, professor of English, whose latest publication is a book
published by the University of South Carolina Press. Understanding
Contemporary American Literary Theory is part of a USC Press
series. Spikes provides commentary on six prominent literary critics,
including Stanley Fish and Susan Bordo, in this revised edition of the
Faculty and
staff achievements
In addition to Dr. Spikes, congratulations are in order to the faculty
and staff who have recently been recognized for their scholarly and
professional activities. Chemistry students have been collaborating
with faculty on research presentations, political science faculty
members have been represented in several venues, and the intramurals
director has been honored by his peers. Read the details in Campus News.
premiere provides focus on Heritage Studies
seats have been sold for tonight's premiere of the Hallmark Hall of Fame production of
John Grisham's best-seller, "A Painted House," in Riceland
Hall of Fowler Center. Because of Grisham's interest in ASU's
Ph.D. program in heritage studies, proceeds from the event will be
directed to help support the young program, which already has 17
students. The film is scheduled to air on CBS stations Sunday, April
27, at 8 p.m. The program has been featured in several area newspapers
Prominent speakers on campus
Two public events Tuesday evening will feature prominent
speakers. Dr. Gary Gulluzzo will speak for the Paul E. Couch
Lecture Series on "Confronting Teacher Quality in the
Accountability Environment." Phi Delta Kappa sponsors the lecture
series, which will be in the Convocation Center auditorium. Floyd
Casey, an animator for Disney, will speak for the Visiting Artist
Lecture in the Fine Arts Center Recital Hall. Both events begin
at 7 p.m.
Kellogg & MSDI support leadership
development program
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation/Mid South Delta Initiative has
awarded a $1.2 million grant to Delta State University, Arkansas State
University, and Grambling State University to implement the Mid South
Delta Leaders Program (MSDL), a tri-state Delta leadership development
program. MSDL, a five-year grant program that will serve as a
means of improving the intellectual and social capital needed to drive
community and economic growth, is based upon the successful Delta
Emerging Leaders program, a leadership development program operating in
an 18-county area of the Mississippi Delta. For
details, read the NewsPage
release or contact Jerry L. Smith, ASU Delta Center for Economic
Development, 910-8180, or jerry@astate.edu.
Colloquium: Truman
Scholar on civil liberties
Lesley Pruitt, a junior political science major who recently won the
Truman Scholarship, will speak for the Political Science Colloquium
Series at noon Friday in Wilson Hall, Room 404. Her topic is
"Civil Liberties & National Security: A Necessary Balancing
Act. Part of her work is based on her participation in the Air Force
Academy Assembly in February. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Planning for Delta
Blues Symposium X
An organizational meeting for
Delta Blues Symposium X will be held at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, April 30,
in Wilson Hall, Room 315. The purposes of the meeting are to
select dates for Symposium X and to determine its specific focus.
Everyone is invited. If you are interested in participating in
the Symposium but cannot attend this meeting, contact delta@astate.edu.
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