from Arkansas State University

For Release: April 11, 2003
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Kellogg Foundation/Mid South Delta Initiative grant to Leadership Program

The W.K. Kellogg Foundation/Mid South Delta Initiative has awarded a $1.2 million grant to Delta State University, Arkansas State University, and Grambling State University to implement the Mid South Delta Leaders Program (MSDL), a tri-state Delta leadership development program.

MSDL, a five-year grant that will serve as a means of improving the intellectual and social capital needed to drive community and economic growth, is based upon the successful Delta Emerging Leaders program, an 18-county leadership development program operating in the 18-county Mississippi Delta. 

The program helps participants gain a better understanding of national and global trends in terms of how these trends influence the quality of life and economic and community development in the Delta. This program has a tri-state regional mission that brings together a diverse group of citizens to enhance the quality of life through human resource development, community development and economic development. 

Ultimately, this leadership development program will serve as a forum to share ideas, encourage participants to bring their strengths to collaborative efforts and bring together persons of diverse backgrounds in a variety of programs and experiences, in a non-traditional learning process.


Three, 18-month classes will include three-day learning retreats, study travel tours to each of the three state capitals, a study tour to Washington, D.C., action learning teams and living practicums. 

Forty-five class members, 15 from each state, will participate in a curriculum that is designed to improve the leadership, management and communication skills of its participants. Class members of MSDL will represent a wide variety of sectors, including higher education, K-12 education, government, non-profit, for-profit businesses, self-employment and community volunteers. This, in turn, ensures the inclusion of stakeholders; particularly those traditionally under-represented in community and economic development efforts.

The MSDL curriculum has planned long-term effects that will extend beyond the 18-month structured program. MSDL takes action by uniting men and women of diverse backgrounds who have the desire to work collectively for the benefit of the entire tri-state Delta. MSDL will play a strategic role in shaping the future of the Delta by creating a regional vision for leadership development that encourages a comprehensive collaborative approach to enhancing the skills of individuals and communities.

This program is a partnership between Delta State University, serving as the lead partner and fiscal agent; the Arkansas State University Center for Regional and Community Development in Jonesboro, Arkansas; and, Grambling State University in Louisiana. 

For more information, contact Jerry L. Smith, ASU Delta Center for Economic Development at 870-910-8180 or

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