April 2, 2007
Calendar highlights:
Gause lecture tonight, 7 p.m.,
Centennial Hall, Student Union
* Couch lecture, Tuesday, April 3
* Carl Grant, Lecture-Concert Series, Tuesday, April 3
* Assessment seminar with Dr. Angelo, Wednesday, April 4
* 20th anniversary concert, Little Big Town/The Wreckers, Thursday,
April 5, Convocation Center
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Dr. Ogendi presents at workshop
Dr. George Ogendi,
Environmental Geology, presented at a four-day training
workshop at Antiochian
Village Conference and Retreat Center
in Pennsylvania.
The workshop, organized by the Washington, D.C.-based
Environmental Leadership Program
(ELP), offers two-year fellowships to emerging leaders from diverse
professional backgrounds who are dedicated to environmental
conservation and sustainability.
Dr. Ogendi presented his findings on drinking water scarcity and
quality and its impact upon human health and education in Western
Kenya. Dr. Ogendi is one of 2006's 25 National ELP Fellows.
Dr. Fears selected as Faculty
Fellow by Air Force program
Dr. Lillie M. Fears,
journalism, has been selected as a faculty fellow in the 2007 Air
Force Summer Faculty Fellowship Program (SFFP) at AFRL/HE Brooks
City Base,
Texas, in the program "Cultural Status of Women in Iraq."
The 10-week program offers hands-on exposure to Air Force research
challenges through research residencies for college and university
faculty in science and engineering at Air Force research facilities.
Participants will perform high-level research and receive nationally
accredited mentoring. SFFP is administered by the American Society
for Engineering Education (ASEE). Almost 300 applications were
received, making this year's selection process extremely difficult,
according to Rick Kempinski, ASEE program manager.
helps secure joint resolution
David Wick,
International Programs, was one of a core team of three NAFSA
members who helped secure the Arkansas Senate's passage of House
Concurrent Resolution
a joint resolution promoting international education. The
resolution, sponsored by Representative Lindsley Smith and Senator
Sue Madison, will enable educators to secure additional legislation
and funding for international programs at local, state, and
national levels. Wick compiled existing resolutions from other
states and drafted the resolution. He worked with NAFSA's DeDe Long,
director, UA Study Abroad Office, and Andrew Faulkner, admissions
coordinator, UCA International Programs. Arkansas is only the
seventh state in the nation to pass a comprehensive international
education resolution.
Fullen named Social Worker of
the Year
On March 9, Ms. Karen
Fullen, Social Work, was named Social Worker of the Year by the
Arkansas Chapter fo the National Association of Social Workers.
Fullen ear ned
a BS in Psychology from ASU in 1978 and an MA in Sociology from ASU
in 1983. She earned her MSW from UALR in 1998. Fullen has worked in
the field of child welfare for 27 years, including 15 years with
Suspected Child Abuse/Neglect (SCAN), Inc. At SCAN, her positions
included case worker, management, and executive staff. Fullen has
been with ASU's Department of Social Work for eight years, two years
as a full-time instructor, and six years in the IV-E Academic
Partnership for Public Child Welfare program as program coordinator.
The IV-E program recruits, educates, mentors, and retains child
welfare workers across the state.
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