March 30, 2007
Calendar highlights:
Blues Symposium XIII, keynote speech,
readings, today
* Girls of Promise, Saturday, March 31
* Brain Awareness
Day, Saturday, March 31
* Heartwalk, Saturday, March 31,
10 a.m., Joe Mack Campbell Park
* Gause lecture on Iraq war, Monday, April 2,
7 p.m.,
Centennial Hall, Student Union
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Interactive assessment seminar with
Dr. Angelo
All faculty are invited to an
interactive assessment seminar with Dr. Thomas Angelo of Victoria
University of Wellington, New Zealand. The seminar sessions will
take place on Wednesday, April 4, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. and from 1:30
p.m.-4:30 p.m. in the Student
Union Auditorium. The 9 a.m. session is "Finding out how well
students are learning what we're teaching: an introduction to
classroom assessment." The 1:30 p.m. session is "Making real the
scholarship of teaching: developing your own classroom research
agenda." Dr. Angelo holds degrees from California State
University-Sacramento, Boston University, and Harvard University,
and is an internationally recognized consultant on teaching,
assessment, feedback, and learning improvements. For registration
and details, contact Barbara
Doyle, director,
Assessment Services, ext. 3931.
KASU pledge drive nears finale
Saturday, March 31, marks the end of
radio station KASU's spring membership drive. Call in a pledge now
to Todd Rutledge at ext. 2807, or mail a pledge to KASU, P.O. Box
2160, State University, AR 72467. KASU is Arkansas' oldest
non-commercial, educational radio station. KASU is on-air 24 hours a
day, 365 days a year, bringing music, news, and other eclectic
programming to the ASU campus and the wider community. KASU is a
member of National Public Radio and an affiliate of Public Radio
International. Call now.
Dr. Gause to lecture on Iraq war, foreign policy
On Monday, April 2, at 7 p.m., Dr. F.
Gregory Gause III will present a lecture, "T he Iraq War and the
future of American foreign policy in the Middle East." The
lecture will be held in Centennial Hall on the third floor of the
ASU Student Union. Dr. Gause is
an associate professor of political science at the University of
Vermont; he is also director of that university's Middle East
Studies program. Gause's lecture is sponsored by ASU's Middle East
Studies Committee and is free and open to the public. For more
information, contact Dr. Erik
Gilbert or Dr. Gloria Gibson.
Deadline extended for Diversity Excellence Award
The deadline for
nominations/applications for the
2007 Diversity Excellence Award has been extended to Friday,
March 30, 2007. The award is open to individual faculty members,
faculty groups, academic departments, or academic units. The
recipient will receive a $2,500 honorarium and a plaque presented
during Convocation of Scholars Week.
2007 Supplier Showcase scheduled
for Wednesday
Procurement Services and the Travel Office will host the 2007
Supplier Showcase on Wednesday, April 4, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the
Convocation Center, upper red level. Door prizes will be awarded,
and one need not be present to win. Many vendors will offer free
samples of their products, as well. For details, call ext. 2028.
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