98th Year
March 28, 2008
CoHSS spring forum,
Monday, March 31,
7 p.m., Centennial Ballroom
Brain Awareness Day, tomorrow, 12-3
p.m., Craighead County Jonesboro Public Library
ASU Jazz Band/ MVAE, "Music of
Greatest Generation," tomorrow, 7:30 p.m., Riceland Hall
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Delta Blues Symposium XIV culminates this weekend
14th annual Delta Blues Symposium culminates this weekend. Delta
Blues Symposium XIV: Sense of Place presents its keynote lecture by
Dr. Theresa Towner,
this afternoon
4:30 p.m. in the Student Union Auditorium. Her lecture, “No
One Gets Outta Here Without Singin’ the Blues,” is free and open to
the public.The
Department of English
and Philosophy welcomes
poet Ralph Burns and novelist Jack
Butler tonight, from 7:30-9:30 p.m., when the pair will read
from their works. Butler and Burns will conduct writing workshops
tomorrow. Panels will also be held tomorrow on topics such as Delta
Literature, Creative Writing, and Eudora Welty; click
for details.
DBS XIV supports
3rd annual 'Blues in the Schools' project
ASU's Arkansas Folklife Program will sponsor the third annual "Blues
in the Schools" project in West Memphis schools on Monday,
March 31-Tuesday, April 1.
The project kicks off with a free special presentation by
members of the New Orleans Jazz Ramblers Monday, March 31,
at 7 p.m. at the West Memphis Public Library. Essie "the Blues Lady"
Neal and the New Orleans Jazz Ramblers will be the event's musicians in residence at
West Memphis Christian School. Presenters include Dr. Mike Luster,
director, the Arkansas Folklife Program, Dr. Ron Horton,
director, ASU jazz studies program, Dr. Gregory Hansen,
English and Folklore, and Simon Hosken, Heritage Studies graduate student
and event organizer. "Blues in the Schools" is supported by the Department of
English and Philosophy's Delta Blues Symposium, with support
from the National Endowment for the Arts. For details, see
the NewsPage release.
Helms promoted to rank of Lieutenant Colonel
Maj. Jeffrey A. Helms,
chair and professor, Military Science, has been promot ed
to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, effective Tuesday, April 1. A
ceremony will be held Thursday, April 3, at 4:30 p.m. at the ASU
National Guard Armory, with a reception to follow immediately
thereafter. The public is invited to both. Col. Everett McDaniel
will conduct the ceremony. Helms, who came to ASU in June 2007, formerly served in
Germany. Helms is a graduate of the
United States Military Academy at West Point.
Department of Music presents ASU Concert Orchestra
Department of Music at Arkansas State University in Jonesboro will
the ASU Concert Orchestra Thursday, April 3, at 7:30 in
Riceland Hall, Fowler Center.
The ASU Concert Orchestra is under the direction of Dr. Neale Bartee.
Selections will include
World Symphony,” Beethoven's “Symphony No. 7 in A Major,” and
Tchaikovsky's “Symphony No. 2 (the ‘Little Russian’ Symphony.
The concert is free to all. For details, call
the music department, ext. 2094, or see the
NewsPage release.
theatre workshop to be offered
State University in Jonesboro will present an all-day
opera/musical t heatre
workshop with Dr. Pamelia Phillips of
NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts on Saturday, April 5, in the Fine
Arts Center Recital Hall.
The all-day workshop is sponsored by the Opera Production program.
The workshop is free to the public, but seating is limited. Area
drama and vocal teachers are encouraged to attend and bring
For details, call Julia Lansford, ext. 3801, the music department, ext. 2094, or see the
NewsPage release.
Staff Senate signature quilt fundraiser sales end Monday
ASU faculty and staff are invited to purchase a personalized
signature block to be used in a quilt designed to mark the close of
the ASU Indian mascot era. The deadline for purchasing a block is
Monday, March 31.The completed queen-sized quilt will be available
for purchase at the Annual Employee Picnic and Silent Auction in
May. Proceeds from this sale of quilt blocks go to the Staff Senate
Educational Stipend Award Fund for ASU-Jonesboro non-faculty
employees and their dependents. For details, and to reserve your
block,contact Laura Cremeens.
To view the quilt, click
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