Jan. 6, 2003

This week's highlights:

* Spring Semester classes begin Wednesday

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faculty & staff achievements


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Reception for Legislators will be Tuesday in Little Rock
ASU will host the Opening Reception for the 2003 Legislative Session on Tuesday, Jan. 14, from 5 until 7 p.m., at the Arkansas Arts Center, 501 East 9th Street in Little Rock.  Everyone at ASU is welcome to attend.  Please contact the President's Office, 972-3030, by Thursday, Jan. 9, if you plan to attend.

Dr. Vance concludes 54 years of service to ASU
Dr. Mildred Vance, the faculty member with the longest tenure of service at Arkansas State University, has decided to retire from teaching.  She notified her colleagues shortly before Christmas.  You will want to read about Dr. Vance and her career at ASU in a NewsPage announcement.  A public reception in her honor is being planned.

Faculty member's book is published
A book by Dr. Cyndy Hendershot, associate professor of English, has been published by McFarland and Company Publishers.  The title is Anti-Communism and Popular Culture in Mid-Century America.  Congratulations to Dr. Hendershot! This and other recent faculty and staff achievements are listed in Campus News.

Village Apartments, family housing units, open new era
Icy weather delayed the formal ribbon cutting on Dec. 13, but several units of Village Apartments, the new family student housing at the southeast corner of the campus, are now occupied.  Read about the new housing units and the historic trailers they are replacing in a release on the NewsPage.

Construction progress report
Speaking of the new apartments and other construction activity . . . in response to requests for information, we have compiled a "Construction Progress Report" which answers at least some of the basic questions about various campus projects.  With thanks to the various individuals who provided (and will continue to provide) information, the report is on the web at http://asunews.astate.edu/Construction.htm

Office 2000 sessions are helpful for faculty and staff
Sessions on how to use Microsoft Office 2000 and its various components are resuming shortly.  Information and Technology Services offers this valuable opportunity at no charge to all faculty, staff and enrolled students. To register or for more details, visit the IT Training web site, http://ittraining.astate.edu, or contact Nikki Nottingham at 972-3033 or at nnottingham@astate.edu.

What's special about ASU?
To gather ideas for a new brochure and web page, we recently sent e-mail to all faculty and staff asking, "What's special about ASU?"  Response has been terrific, but we're still collecting data.  If you haven't responded and intended to, send a note to asunews@astate.edu.

'Inside ASU' begins second semester
This is the first edition of "Inside ASU" in 2003.  You may have suggestions for articles, ideas for improvement.  Feel free to send comments to Tom Moore, tmoore@astate.edu or Straley Snipes Owen, ssnipes@astate.edu.

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