The bell tower of the Dean B.
Ellis Library
is appropriately decorated for the holiday
season. |
Best wishes to everyone
Best wishes to everyone for a
wonderful holiday season. University offices will be closed Monday,
Dec. 24, through Tuesday, Jan. 1. The university will re-open on
Wednesday, Jan. 2, and classes will begin on Monday, Jan. 14. In
case of emergency during the holidays, the University Police
Department may be contacted at (870) 972-2093.
Last 'Inside' edition this year
With the
fall semester concluded, this will be the last edition of Inside ASU
in 2007. We will run one issue per week prior to the start of spring
semester classes, then return to three times weekly on Jan.
14. We appreciate the many news tips submitted this year, and we look
forward to publishing more news about faculty staff achievements and
activities in the coming year.
Who's Who students named
ASU recently recognized 74
outstanding students who were selected for inclusion in the 2008
edition of Who's Who Among Students in American College and
Universities. Dr. Rick Stripling, vice chancellor, Student Affairs, and the deans of the
various colleges recognized the students during a reception and
ceremony in the Student Union. The complete list of honorees is
included in a release on the NewsPage.
Dr. Matthews presents poster at conference
Dr. Rebecca Matthews, Nursing, recently attended the 135th
annual American Public Health Association meeting in Washington,
D.C. She attended an Epidemiology for Non-Epidemiologists two-day
course, participated in meetings and breakout sessions, and
presented a poster, "Coming Alongside: Building Resilience in
At-Risk Teen Mothers through Peer Group Support."
Science Communications for Scientists
class concludes
This fall, ASU's Department
of Biological Sciences offered a new graduate-level course, "Science
Communication for Scientists," and December will see its first eight
graduates. These students are the first generation of ASU science
students who have been specifically trained to translate the
intricacies of science for the general public via diverse media.
Students wrote and produced articles, radio shows, and television
shows. The course was team-taught by Dr. Aldemaro Romero,
Biology, Dr. Amy Pearce, Psychology and Counseling, and
Dr. Jack Zibluk, Journalism.
Today: Last day to turn in
United Way pledge cards
Today is the last
day to turn in United Way pledge cards to Jill Bristow in University
Advancement, Administration Building, Room 104. Please turn cards
in before 5 p.m. For more information, e-mail
jbristow@astate.edu or call
extension 3362.
Free 2008 ASU desk calendars
will soon be available
ASU's Printing Services is offering free 2008 ASU desk calendars
shortly after Wednesday, Jan. 2. Departments wishing to obtain
calendars should e-mail Lou Adams
to reserve sets. The number of calendars is limited, and once the
reserved calendars are gone, the remainder will be released.
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