Staff may apply for Staff
Senate Educational Stipends
ASU staff
members who take classes or have a dependent who does are eligible
the Staff Senate Educational Stipend. The Staff Senate
will award at least 10 stipends of at least $200 each for the spring
semester. These funds were raised through the silent auction
and bake sale at the annual Employee Picnic. The list of
qualifications and application form are on the
Staff Senate website:
Those interested
should apply quickly; the deadline is Wednesday, Nov. 1.
Completed applications should be submitted to Sharon Lee in the
Office of Finance.
Ribbon-cutting and dedication
at Judd Hill Center today
ribbon-cutting and dedication for the Judd Hill Center, home of the
Arkansas State University Foundation, Inc., will start today at 11
a.m. at the Center, 2626 U Street, just north of the Convocation
Center. Click on NewsPage to read about the Judd Hill
Foundation and Esther Hill Chapin, whose visionary efforts have led
to several major developments in the ASU academic community.
Dr. Elizabeth Stokes presents
paper to nursing group
Stokes, Professor Emeritus, Nursing, presented a paper on
faculty role and responsibilities titled, “Functioning in the
Educational Environment: What does It Mean?” at the annual National
League for Nursing Education Summit in New York. Dr. Stokes is a
member of the Minimum Data Task Force on Nursing Research and the
Certification of Nurse Educators Test Development Committee of the
National League for Nursing.
Dr. Al Romero's paper focuses on science
and religion
A paper by
Dr. Aldemaro Romero,
Biological Sciences, “The real big issue
between science and religion: purpose vs. uncertainty,”
will be in the next issue of the journal Forum on
Public Policy, published by Oxford University. This issue is a
monographic one titled “Science and Religion: The Intelligent Design
Controversy.” This paper is an expanded version of the lecture Dr.
Romero gave at Oxford University this summer.
Residence Life invites all to
Hallowe'en activities
The Office of
Residence Life invites all faculty
and staff and family (especially children) to the annual Halloween
activities, scheduled for 6-8 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 30. A Halloween
Festival consisting of games, prizes, and food, sponsored by the
First Year Experience Halls, will be held at University Hall.
Collegiate Park Apartments will host a cookout, games, and door to
door trick or treating. Northpark Quads also will host door to door
trick or treating (with ASU students as guides). Parking for all
events will be available in the parking garage. For details, call
the Office of Residence Life at 972-2042.
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