98th Year
Oct. 24, 2007
* Human Resources
Benefits Fair, today,
10 a.m.-3 p.m., Centennial Hall, Student Union
* Lecture-Concert Series presents
David W. Blight, Thursday, Oct.
7 p.m., Student Union Auditorium
* Faculty Recital, Thursday,
Oct. 25,
7:30 p.m., Fine Arts Center Recital Hall
* Fowler Center Series presents
WoodSongs Old-Time Radio Hour, Friday, Oct. 26,
7:30 p.m., Riceland Hall, Fowler Center
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ASU patrolman named city's top law
enforcement officer
Patrolman Raymond Mansker, University Police
Department, was rec ently
named the city's top law enforcement officer of the year by Mayor
Doug Formon, Jonesboro Police Chief Mike Yates, and his law
enforcement peers. The honor for 2007 was sponsored by the Jonesboro
Exchange Club. Mansker was cited for helping a couple and their
small child. Mansker, a 2005 graduate of the Arkansas Law
Enforcement Training Academy, has
been employed by ASU for four years.
ASU faculty publish study on breast
cancer education
Several ASU faculty members
recently saw publication of their northeast Arkansas community
study, "Effects of a Culturally Sensitive Education Program on the
Breast Cancer Knowledge and Beliefs of Hispanic Women," in the
journal Oncology Nursing Forum. The article evaluated the
effectiveness of a multifaceted, culturally sensitive, and
linguistically appropriate breast cancer education program for
Hispanic women, who have a higher breast cancer mortality rate than non-Hispanic Caucasian women, due in part to later
diagnosis. Appropriate education programs can lead to earlier
diagnosis and save lives. The faculty authors of the study were
Cathy Hall, Nursing, Dr. John D. Hall, Psychology and
Counseling, Judith T. Pfriemer, Nursing, Paige D.
Wimberley, Nursing, and Dr. Craig H. Jones, Psychology
and Counseling.
Department of Chemistry to
present ChemMagic show
The Department of Chemistry and Physics will present its annual
Halloween ChemMagic show on Tuesday, Oct. 30, at 6:30 p.m. in Lab Sciences 219.
This hour-long educational
Halloween experience for the children of
students, faculty and staff delights audiences with feats of chemical magic. This year, ASU's Student Affiliates of the
American Chemical Society will be joined by members of ASU's Pre-Pharmacy Club, the Society of Physics Students and the
Medical Arts Club. Special guests will include the ACS Student Affiliates
from Harding University in Searcy. For details, contact
Dr. Mark Draganjac at
ext. 3272.
KASU's fall membership drive a
KASU's fall membership drive
has now concluded, and the results are in. The station goals were
$30,000 and 75 new members; the final count was $37,354 and 86 new
members, with 122 members renewing. KASU thanks all members who made
this crucial drive such a success. Thanks to its listener-members,
KASU will continue to serve northeast Arkansas and ASU as the local
National Public Radio station.
Indian Club's Jazz in Jonesboro
The ASU Indian Club's Jazz in
Jonesboro barbecue competition is officially sanctioned by the
Memphis in May Barbecue Association. This year's Jazz in Jonesboro,
featuring live music, barbecue, and football,
takes place on Friday-Saturday, Oct. 26-27, with the competition
ending just before game time Saturday, when the ASU Indians will
engage with Troy. For details, contact
Brad Pietz at the Indian Club
Office, ext. 2401, or see the
Athletics Department News.
ASU concert orchestra to
perform Oct. 30
The Department of Music at
ASU will present the ASU Concert Orchestra, under the direction of
Dr. Neale Bartee, performing Tuesday, Oct. 30, at 7:30 p.m.,
Riceland Hall, Fowler Center. The program will feature Aaron
Copland's "An Outdoor Overture," Georg Philipp Telemann's "Air a
l'Italien," Modest Mussorgsky's "Night on Bald Mountain," and the
"Berceuse" and "Finale" from Igor Stravinsky's Firebird Suite. The
concert is free and open to the public. For details, contact the
Department of Music at ext. 2094.
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