Inside ASU, News for Faculty & Staff, Arkansas State University
99th Year

Oct. 10, 2008

Calendar highlights:

Bill and Alice Nix Petting Zoo
is open to the public Saturday, Oct. 11,
10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Faculty and Staff Appreciation Day, Saturday, Oct. 11,
with tailgate,
4-5:30 p.m.,
game, 6 p.m.



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Dr. Glen Jones appointed to board of ASTA
Dr. Glen Jones, senior associate vice chancellor, Academic Affairs and Research, and exeDr. Glen Jonescutive assistant to the chancellor for diversity, was appointed by Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe to the board of the Arkansas Science and Technology Authority (ASTA). Dr. Jones replaces Dr. John White, former chancellor of the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, on the board. The Arkansas Science & Technology Authority (ASTA) was created by statute in 1983 with the mission to bring the benefits of science and advanced technology to the people and state of Arkansas. Twenty-five years later, ASTA’s mission is served by the development of strategies to promote scientific research, technology development, business innovation, and math, science, and engineering education throughout the state. Dr. Jones's term on the ASTA board will expire Jan. 14, 2010. For details, see the NewsPage release.

Dr. Lorence serves as invited speaker at conference
Dr. Argelia Lorence, Plant Metabolic Engineering, ABI, recently returned from Cuernavaca, Mexico, after serving as an invited speaker at the seventh Pan American Dr. Argelia LoranceSymposium--Mexico 2008, “Pharmaceutical Environment for Students in Pharmacy: Current and Future Perspectives. The symposium was organized by the local chapter of the International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation (IPSF), an organization representing 350,000 pharmacy students in 70 countries worldwide. Dr. Lorence spoke on “Advances in the Study and Manipulation of Plant Vitamin C Biosynthesis.”  While in Cuernavaca, she was also invited to serve as international evaluator of the Academic Program in Pharmacy offered by the School of Pharmacy of Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEM).

Award-winning journalist Chris Bynum to speak to classes
Chris Bynum, health and fitness writer for the New Orleans Times-Picayune and part of the Pulitzer Prize-winning staff for its coverage of Hurricane Katrina, is the third Chris Bynumscheduled speaker in the Journalism Alumni Speakers series. She will be on campus, Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 13-14. Bynum, a native of Dermott and 1970 graduate of Arkansas State University’s journalism program, is former editor of The Herald and was named the first recipient of the Tex Plunkett Service Award and the outstanding journalism graduate for 1970. I
n her first return visit to ASU since 1971, Bynum will speak to classes about post-Katrina devastation and recovery in New Orleans. For details, see the NewsPage release.

Dr. Blakney-Bailey to lecture on Florida Seminoles
The Central Mississippi Valley Archaeological Society (CMVAS) will celebrate its 10th anniversary with a lecture by Dr. Jane Anne Blakney-Bailey, Arkansas Archeological Survey, Toltec Mounds State Park. Dr. Blakney-Bailey's lecture, "The Florida Seminoles: Colonial Entrepreneurs," will be held Wednesday, Oct. 15, 7 p.m., ASU Museum, Room 182. The lecture is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be provided, and books and other information on archeology in Arkansas will be provided. For details on this special CMVAS 10th anniversary lecture, contact Dr. Julie Morrow, ext. 2071, or see the NewsPage release.

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