Residence life congratulates
staff members
on publication
Melissa Lamb, area coordinator for First Year Residential
Experience and
Honors Living and Learning Community Halls, and Kelly Ponder,
Village coordinator, had their article "ASU Residence Life Celebrates Centennial,“ published in the fall
edition of th e SWACUHO News. SWACUHO (the South West Association of
College and University Housing Officers) is the regional
organization for housing officers in Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas,
to which ASU belongs. Lamb and Ponder’s article focused on the
centennial celebration last April and discussed the history of
residence halls on the Jonesboro campus. View the article
here. This significant recognition by
the regional organization for professional housing officers
underscores the hard work of Residence Life staffers for the
Residence Life centennial display and award-winning float during the
campus celebration last spring.
Campus QuickStats Brochure is now available
The Arkansas State University-Jonesboro Fall 2009 Campus QuickStats Brochure is now available. This tri-fold brochure is
produced each fall by the Office of Institutional Research,
Planning, and Assessment and has proven to be useful in
communicating campus information to ASUJ constituents. The brochure
is available
online (
To receive a printed copy of the two-page brochure, contact
April Leggett, ext.
H1N1 updates are now available online
All faculty and staff are urged to check the weekly H1N1 updates,
accessible via the ASU homepage
ASU-H1N1 Flu Prevention
and Reporting link (
Dr. Deborah Persell, Nursing,
coordinator of the Regional Center for Disaster Preparedness
Education, and an expert in Emergency Management and Homeland
Security meticulously prepares these
updates each
week, with the most timely and pertinent information available on
H1N1 and seasonal flu. The
Flu/H1N1 Report
Form is also a feature of that page.
Seasonal flu and H1N1information in Spanish is now also available on
the page, as well as links to other resources, including local
weather, road conditions, Environmental Health and Safety,
University and city police departments, and the American Red Cross.
11th anniversary of CMVAS will
be celebrated Oct. 15
The Central
Mississippi Valley Archeological Society (CMVAS) will present a special
lecture to celebrate the organization’s 11th
anniversary on Tuesday, Oct. 15, ASU Museum, Room 182. The special lecture, “The Great Serpent and the
Old Woman Who Never Dies,” will be presented by Dr. David Dye, assistant
professor of earth sciences from the University of Memphis.
The presentation will discuss two important Mississippian
deities, the
Great Serpent and the
Old Woman Who Never
Dies, along with the roles they played in the renewal of life.
Late prehistoric eastern Arkansas ceramic art depicts these two
supernatural beings in detail, suggesting that world renewal and
soul recycling rituals were important aspects of Mississippian
religious beliefs.
presentation is free, and the public is welcome. For details, call Dr. Julie
Morrow, ASU’s Arkansas Archeological Survey station archeologist,
ext. 2071, or see the NewsPage
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