Celebration weekend at ASU
Many varied events are taking place on campus today and tomorrow.
Here is a brief schedule of weekend events, including contact
Friday, September 25
10 a.m. Arkansas Biosciences
Institute Fall Research Symposium, sponsored by Arkansas
Biosciences Institute, ASU
Student Union Auditorium. Contact
Hope Phillips, ABI
project/program director, ext. 2025.
10:30 a.m. Donald W. Reynolds
Center for Health Sciences Dedication Ceremony, first floor,
building tours to follow. All faculty, staff, and students are
invited to attend.
1 p.m. Board of Trustees Meeting, Donald W. Reynolds Center for
Health Sciences, Room 222.
4-6 p.m. Centennial Appreciation Reception honoring former and
current Board of Trustees members,
Cooper Alumni Center.
Contact Carol Roberts,
ext. 2586.
7:30 p.m. Fowler
Center Series kicks off 2009-10 season with a performance by
San Jose Taiko, Riceland Hall,
Fowler Center.
Saturday, September 26 (Legislative Day)
9 a.m. Arkansas
Biosciences Institute Five-Year Anniversary Celebration and ABI
Commercial Innovation Center Groundbreaking, Indoor Lobby.
Tours of the research areas in ABI are open to the public Saturday morning from 10-11:30. For
additional information, contact
Hope Phillips, ABI project/program director,
at ext. 2025.
1:15 p.m. Pre-game festivities include the Red Wolf walk.
1:30 p.m. Centennial Celebration Tailgate, Tailgate City.
3:30 p.m. ASU vs. Troy
football game will be held. Honored
legislators and trustees will be on the field at halftime.
ASU Theatre opens 2009-10 season with 'Bound,' Oct. 2
announces the cast of its opening drama of the
season with the premiere production of “Bound” by ASU professor of
Theatre Tim Bohn, on Friday-Saturday, Oct. 2-3, at 7:30 p.m. A
“meet the company” dessert reception will follow the Oct. 2 opening
night performance. Additional performances will be
Tuesday-Wednesday, Oct. 6-7, at 7:30 p.m.
All performances will take place in Fowler Center.
an original drama, concerns an accident that leaves a brother and
sister without parents and suddenly responsible for the family farm
and for the care of their autistic brother.
Both siblings are bound by their duty to
their family and pulled by their need for a life outside of their
family farm and their small town. All seating is reserved,
and tickets for reserved seating may be purchased in advance at the
ASU Central Box Office in the Convocation Center or by calling
972-ASU1.Tickets are also available
online. Reserved
seating tickets (if available) may be purchased at the door on the
evening of the performance. For details, see the
NewsPage release.
ASU Museum presents 'Exploring the Frontier' Oct. 3
Arkansas State University Museum
will open its new exhibition ,
"Exploring the Frontier: Arkansas 1540–1840,"
on Saturday, October 3, with ASU Museum Family Time at 9 a.m.-11
a.m. and HiStory Time at 2 p.m. In honor of Arkansas’s international
history, an International party will be held at 3 p.m. The
exhibition will run through March 2010. This exhibition, an
Arkansas Discovery Network Museum Road Trip, offers visitors the
opportunity to plan an expedition, to track their own journeys, to
visit a fur trapper's camp, and to enjoy paddling the life-sized replica
of the Griggs Canoe, a
centuries-old Native American canoe.
On the frontier,
wits and wiles meant the difference between death and survival, and
children and families can gain an introduction to this fascinating
period of Arkansas history.
For details, visit
the ASU Museum online,
contact Lenore Shoults,
assistant director, ASU Museum, call the ASU Museum at ext. 2074, or
see the NewsPage release.
KASU 91.9 FM's Bluegrass Monday has
Bressler Brothers
Bressler Brothers will perform a concert of bluegrass music this
coming Monday, Sept. 28, at Atkins Celebration Hall,
01 South Pruett Street, in downtown
Paragould, at 7 p.m. Andy and Alvin Bressler have been performing
bluegrass music for thirty-six years. They were invited to perform
their song, "The Bluegrass King (Has Gone to Heaven)" at the
ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Bill Monroe Homeplace on Pigeon
Ridge, in Rosine, Kentucky, August 23, 2001. The performance is part
of the Bluegrass Monday concert series presented by KASU 91.9 FM.
KASU will literally "pass the hat" to collect money to pay the
group. The suggested donation is $5 per person. For details, contact
Marty Scarbrough,
program director, KASU, at ext. 2367.
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