College of Education receives outreach
During the summer, the
College of Education has secured almost $500,000 in outreach grants,
according to Dr. John Beineke, dean. The funds will be
utilized to enhance professional preparation for educators in the
Delta region, a major part of ASU's service area. See details
on the NewsPage.
Fowler Center 2006-07 season ann ounced
The Fowler Center will open the season this month with the Dukes of
Dixieland on Saturday, Sept. 23, at 7:30 p.m. and continues with
Second City on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 9 & 10. This season features
eight performances in all. Individual prices are $30 and $20 for
adults; $23 and $15 for ASU faculty and staff, senior adults, and
K-12 students; with a special ASU student rate of $10 and $6.
Performance tickets may be purchased by calling 972-2781 or
1-888-278-3267, or online at
http://tickets.astate.edu. (Specially priced packages are
available for season tickets and "Build Your Own Season" to any four
events. Call for details.)
Yearbook photos for faculty and staff:
next week
Yearbook portraits will be made next week, Tuesday through
Thursday, Sept. 5 – 7, from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. in the Student Union
on the first floor by the stairwell. A make-up day will be Monday, Sept. 18, from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
The university uses these portraits for other purposes too, so
anyone who has not had a photo made within the past three years
should do so next week.
Chancellor candidate
interviews start Tuesday
On-campus visits and
interviews with the candidates for chancellor of the ASU-Jonesboro
campus will begin Tuesday, Sept. 5. Details about the schedule
and vitas for the candidates will be posted today on the
Chancellor Search
web site. The search committee named six finalists Thursday;
the list is on the NewsPage.
director of Financial Aid & Scholarships
Robin Kaloghirou has been
appointed as interim director of Financial Aid & Scholarships,
effective Tuesday, Sept. 5, according to Greg Thornburg, dean of
Enrollment Services. Kaloghirou is currently the director of
scholarships and has served in that role since 1997. She will be
replacing the current director of student aid Matthew Sanchez, who
is returning to California with his family.
Day of
Caring volunteers needed!
The United Way Day of
will be Friday, Sept. 15, and volunteers are still urgently needed!
Click here to fill
out the form. Jill Bristow, special events coordinator in
University Advancement, is coordinating ASU's United Way activity
this year ... contact her at 972-3362 or by
e-mail for details.
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