98th Year
Aug. 27, 2007
* Yearbook Portraits,
this week,
Student Union
* College of Nursing & Health Professions, 25th Anniversary
Celebration, Thursdays, Aug. 30,
3-5 p.m., Centennial Hall, Student Union
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13th annual Judd Hill Field Day set for Thursday, Aug. 30
The 13th annual Judd Hill Cotton Technology Field Day will be Thursday, Aug. 30, at Judd Hill Plantation. Registration begins at 8
a.m. Congressman Marion Berry will be this year's keynote speaker.
Judd Hill Field Day showcases innovative developments in cotton
production, including cotton seed variety trials, soil and water
conservation measures, and new technologies related to agricultural
production. For more information, visit
United Way Day of Caring volunteers needed
The 14th annual United Way of Northeast Arkansas Day of Caring will
be Friday,
Sept. 14, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., and volunteers are needed. ASU faculty and staff have
traditionally contributed greatly to this event and are needed more than
ever this year. To volunteer, contact
Jill Bristow, special
events coordinator, University Advancement, at ext. 3362.
Dr. Malpezzi publishes essay introduction to new edition
Dr. Fran ces M. Malpezzi, English, has published an essay, "The
Parson Fictionalized: A Reprise, " in the recent issue of the George
Herbert Journal. Her work serves as an introduction to the reprint
of a 1910 short story by Marjorie Bowen, a prolific British writer
of popular and historical fiction. The short story, originally
published in Harper's Monthly Magazine, features George Herbert, the
17th-century poet/minister, known best for poems like "Easter
Wings," "The Collar," and "The Windows."
Dr. Srivatsan is invited presenter at annual meeting
Dr. Malathi Srivatsan, Molecular Biology, was invited to speak at
the recent a nnual meeting of the International Society for Drug
Abuse Research, held in Merida, Mexico. Her talk, "Nicotine and
neuro-immuno-modulation in the autonomic nervous system" was
well-received by the 87 international scientists attending the
meeting. Dr. Srivatsan's research at ASU is supported by funds from
the drug abuse division of the National Institute of Health (NIH)
and is also supported by ABI.
Yearbook photos for faculty and staff this week
Reminder: Yearbook portraits by Child Art Studio will be made
this week, today through Friday, Aug. 27-31, from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. in the
Student Union, center court area. Yearbook photos are used widely
within the university, including reproduction in Inside ASU. Anyone
who does not have a current photo (made in the past three years) on
file should have a photo made this week. The staff of Inside ASU
thanks you profusely in advance.
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