ABI director gives keynote presentation
in Mexico
Dr. Carole Cramer, ABI executive
director, was an invited keynote speaker at the recent XII Congreso
Nacional de Biotechnologia y Bioingenieria held in Morelia,
Mexico. This congress represented the 25th anniversary of the
Sociedad Mexicana Biotechnologia y Bioingenieria, the sponsoring
organization of the conference, which numbered more than 1,000 participants, including approximately 500 students. Dr.
Cramer's keynote address, "Biotechnology at the interface of
agriculture and medicine," highlighted research being done at ASU
within her own research group, as well as the ABI research groups of
Dr. Fabricio
Dr. Pamela Weathers, Dr. Argelia Lorence, and
Dr. Maureen Dolan.
ABI faculty present at International
Vaccine Conference
Two ABI faculty members, Dr. Carole
Cramer, ABI executive director, and
Dr. Maureen Dolan, Biochemistry, traveled to Verona, Italy, to
participate in an international conference, "Plant-Based Vaccines
and Antibodies," held at the University of Verona. Dr. Cramer, a
member of the conference's scientific advisory panel, was an invited
symposium speaker as well as a session moderator. Drs. Dolan and
Cramer also presented several posters describing results of ABI
research on using plants to produce complex immuno-modulating
proteins for vaccine applications.
UPD Chief James Chapman graduates from program
ASI' s Chief of Police James Chapman,
University Police Department, recently graduated from Arkansas
Leader, an executive management program sponsored by the
Justice Institute of the UA system and the FBI. Chief Chapman, with
UPD for 3 years, was one of 25 law enforcement leaders chose to
attend the 16th session of this prestigious program. Participants
are carefully selected, and leadership, education, advancement of
the law enforcement profession and individual and agency development
are emphasized in the program.
Alumna to be honored by College of Business
ASU alumna Candace A. Franks
(BA '74, MA '76), the newly appointed Arkansas State Bank
Commissioner, will be honored at a reception hosted by the McAdams
Frierson Chair of Bank Management and the ASU College of Business.
The reception will be held in the Grand Hall, Fowler Center, 201
Olympic Drive, in Jonesboro on Tuesday, July 24, from 6 p.m.-7:30
p.m. Franks will be presented the Key to the City of Jonesboro at
6:30 p.m. RSVP by e-mail to
development@astate.edu, or call 972-3492 by Friday, July 20,
5 p.m.
ASU Mascot Review Committee to
meet today
ASU's Mascot Review Committee
will meet today at 11 a.m. in the Chickasaw Room, Student Union. The
committee will discuss and approve an action plan to be forwarded to
ASU-Jonesboro chancellor Dr. Robert L. Potts in fulfillment of the
charge Potts issued to the committee in May of this year.
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