May 27, 2003
This week:
* Wednesday: First Summer Term classes start
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Summer term begins Wednesday
Everyone who will be teaching
already knows, but for the benefit of everyone else, first summer term
classes begin Wednesday, May 28. Second summer term begins June
30. Commencement will be Aug. 1.
Four-year degree
completion: guaranteed!
Academic Affairs is about to take the wraps
off a new deal for students. The four-year graduation guarantee
plan, "Finish in 4, Guaranteed!" is summed up fairly well by
the title. Most bachelor's degree programs at ASU can be
completed within four years, but the new plan provides a mechanism for
helping students stay on track. It guarantees that graduation will not
be delayed because a course was not available. The student must sign an
agreement that spells out the specifics of what must be done, and when,
to take advantage of the guarantee. Dr. Lynita Cooksey, vice
chancellor for academic services, will announce the new plan this week
at New Student Orientation.
Summer Bridge program
available for qualified students
Student Support Services at ASU will conduct "Bridging the
Gap," a summer program for qualified incoming students. The
program will run Aug. 11-15, but registration deadline is July 7.
Participants will become more familiar with the resources they will
need for success in college. Faculty and staff may know of students who
could benefit from the program. Applicants must meet one of three
conditions: have an ACT (or comparable) score of 19 or below; have a
high school GPA of 2.5 or below; or be a non-traditional student.
For details, call Jerrod Lockhart, coordinator, at 972-2080, or write
to him at
SARS information available
federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has posted
information to guide institutions or organizations who will host
persons arriving from areas with incidences of SARS. As of May
14, the CDC "does not recommend canceling or postponing classes,
meetings or other gatherings that will include persons traveling to the
U.S. from areas with SARS." To consult the complete
guidelines, visit
Small Business Center has
been busy
While instruction for credit is ASU's primary business, other
university units produce significant accomplishments. One such
area is the Small Business Development Center in the College of
Business. Between July 1, 2002, and April 30, the center has
counseled 69 small business owners and entrepreneurs, answered 216
inquiries, conducted 15 workshops for 187 participants, and provided
loan packaging assistance to 15 clients, generating more than $2.99
million in capital.
How many alumni does ASU have?
Alumni Relations Office recently updated its maps which show where
ASU's alumni live. As of April, there were 51,565 alumni.
As one might expect, the county with the highest concentration of
alumni (7,869) is Craighead. Second is Pulaski County, with
2,843; third is Greene County, with 2,232; fourth is Shelby County,
Tenn., with 1,699; and fifth is Mississippi County, with 1,530.
While most alumni live in Arkansas, Missouri is second with 4,528,
Tennessee is third with 2,663, and Texas is fourth with 2,184.
Alumni live in every state, and 2,530 live in other countries.
For information about the Alumni Association and the various chapters,
development conference coming up
Reminder . . The Delta Center for
Economic Development will host the second annual conference, “The
Community Leader …Your Role in Economic Development,” tomorrow
(Wednesday), at the Convocation Center.
Speakers will discuss economic development
trends and issues. Faculty and staff may attend for
where Hemingway wrote
The Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum and Educational Center in Piggott will
host an Adult Writers' Retreat Monday through Friday, June 16-20.
Dr. Rob Lamm, ASU Department of English, and Donna James, NEA Writing
Project, will lead the retreat, during which participants may interact
with other writers and receive feedback on their own work in
progress. The registration deadline is June 9; the fee is
$75. For details, contact Deanna Webster, 598-3487, or
Level Orange: response to national security
The University Police Department is among the law enforcement agencies
that are in contact with federal authorities concerning heightened national
security concerns. Although no incidents are anticipated at ASU,
officers are taking extra precaution and following recommended
procedures during the orange-level alert status. More information is
available by contacting UPD at 972-2093 or by visiting the federal
government's website,
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