May 19, 2003
On campus:
* "Dos Hombres," exhibition of
works by Tom Chaffee and Steve Mayes, Bradbury Gallery, Fowler Center,
thru July 27
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College of Communications earns
Good news for the College of
Communications, which was awaiting word on a bid for reaccreditation .
. . the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass
Communications, meeting recently in San Jose, Calif., reviewed the
evaluation team report and the Accrediting Committee's recommendation
and approved ASU unanimously, without comment. This meeting
was the last step in the reaccreditation process. Only two other
schools passed without comment, reflecting an extra measure of respect
for ASU's self-study and the program.
The team had found ASU to be in compliance on all 12 standards.
A letter from ACEJMC is expected within the next few weeks, officially
notifying ASU of the vote.
Congratulations to the faculty, staff and students of the College of
editing book on crime
We heard it first in the May 9 edition of the Wall
Street Journal . . . a brief mentioned that an ASU professor is editing
the Encyclopedia of White-Collar and Corporate Crime. It's Dr. Larry Salinger, Criminology, who says he is under
contract with Golson Books, Ltd. as general editor of the volume
to be published by Sage Publications next year. Salinger said
there is an honorarium for each article, and the topics are
sufficiently diverse that faculty in a variety of disciplines could
contribute. For a list of
topics and details about writing for the encyclopedia, he recommends
contacting Geoff Golson at
expertise benefits community
Dr. David Gilmore, Biological Sciences,
provided scientific and laboratory expertise last week for a two-part
story on KAIT-TV about our daily exposure to bacteria. He helped
collect and analyze specimens to help people better understand their
risks. Other recent faculty and staff achievements are listed in Campus News.
exhibit at Museum features Central High crisis
The latest exhibit at the ASU Museum is one
statewide interest. "Women of the Central High Crisis: The
Politics of Gender and Desegregation" is a traveling exhibit which
will be displayed through July 13. The exhibit focuses on women's
roles in the historic Little Rock Central High School desegregation
crisis in 1957. Read more details in a release on the NewsPage.
Memorial Day is Monday,
May 26
ASU will observe Memorial Day on Monday, May 26. University
offices will be closed that day.
Employee benefit information
available on web
you ever needed information on your employee benefits at a time other
than open enrollment periods, benefits fairs, or employee
orientation? The Human Resources Office has made that information
available through a well-organized web page. You may visit, click on "Benefit Information," then follow
the instructions, or just follow this link, benefit
information, to the access page.
development conference coming up
The Delta Center for
Economic Development will host the second annual conference, “The
Community Leader …Your Role in Economic Development,” on Wednesday,
May 28, at the Convocation Center.
Speakers will deliver information about economic development
trends and issues to chamber of commerce and economic development
boards and elected officials in northeast Arkansas. Speakers will include John
Lovorn, president of the PACE Group, Tupelo, Miss., Tony Kaai,
certified economic developer of Denison, Texas, and Dr. Donald Cotten,
associate vice chancellor for research and technology transfer at ASU.
The conference fee is $75, but faculty and staff may attend for
$25. To register, contact Stephanie Wilson at
of Trustees meeting scheduled
At the conclusion of the Board of Trustees meeting on May 9, the
trustees agreed to meet again on Friday, June 6, to approve budgets for
the various campuses of Arkansas State University. The time and place
will be announced later.
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