Gov. Beebe to be
guest speaker for pinning ceremony
ASU’s College of Nursing and Health Professions will hold its
Bachelor of Science in Nursing pinning ceremony tonight, from 7-9
p.m. in Centennial Hall, Reng Student Services Center/Student Union. Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe will be the
guest speaker at the ceremony.
According to
Dr. Sue McLarry, department chair and associate professor of
Nursing, the pinning ceremony is a deeply traditional nursing school
rite of passage, marking the transition from nursing student to
graduated nurse. Faculty members participating in the ceremony will
include Debbie Shelton, Dr. Susan Hanrahan, Dean of
the college, Annette Stacy, director of the Bachelor of
Science in Nursing program, and Julie Isaacson. Stacy and
Isaacson will pin the students. For details, see the
NewsPage release.
Maj. Gen. Elder Granger, M.D., to speak at Commencement
Arkansas State
University alumnus Major General Elder Granger, M.D., will
be the
featured speaker at both ceremonies in ASU-Jonesboro’s Spring
Commencement tomorrow in the Convocation Center.
The morning ceremony, at 10 a.m., includes the Colleges of Agriculture,
Business, Engineering, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Sciences and
Mathematics. The afternoon ceremony, at 2 p.m., includes the Colleges
of Communications, Education, Fine Arts, Nursing and Health Professions,
University College and Regional Programs. Major General Elder Granger,
M.D., a native of West Memphis, is a 1976 graduate of Arkansas State
University. For details, see the
NewsPage release.
Dr. Studdard advises business plan competition teams
Dr. Nareatha
Studdard, Management, and chair of the Delta Center for
Entrepreneurship and Family Business Studies, advised ASU's
undergraduate and graduate teams who competed in the 2008 Donald W.
Reynolds Governor's Cup business plan competition, organized by
Arkansas Capital Corporation. The ASU teams made it to the
competition finals, and ASU was the state's only university with
representation in both the graduate and undergraduate business plan
competitions. The undergraduate plan, Nature West LLC, was presented
by Susan Kronk, a senior marketing major, who produced a competitive
business plan that was praised by judges and faculty advisors from
other competing universities. With pending patents and contacts
established, Kronk’s plan has the potential to make viable the
commercial exploitation of the ABI innovative derivation of
resveratrol. The graduate plan, Habitat and Hosts, was created by
four international MBA students (Christian Sonntag, Michael
Gugenberger, Sarah Reiermann, and Michael Reiter) with Andrew Peck,
a PhD candidate in Environmental Sciences. Habitat and Hosts is an
environmental consulting business specializing in the conservation
of freshwater mussels.
Dr. Roehrig publishes
article![Dr. Susan Roehrig](Roehrig,%20Susan2.jpg)
Dr. Susan Roehrig, Physical Therapy, recently published an
article in the Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy. The article,
"Case Report: Effects of a New Orthosis and Physical Therapy on Gait
in a Subject with Longstanding Hemiplegia," describes changes in
gait parameters in a patient the author saw in a physical therapy
clinic following receipt of a new lower extremity brace.
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