May 5, 2003
This week:
* Distinguished Performance Awards Ceremony, Wednesday, May 7, 1:30 p.m.
* Commencement, Friday,
May 9, 7 p.m.
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State announces another budget cut
The Department of Finance and
Administration has announced a second budget reduction this fiscal year
because of a shortfall of projected state revenues. The forecast
for the remainder of this fiscal year has been reduced from 94.25% to
93.65% of category "A" funding. That translates to a
reduction of $281,762 for the Jonesboro campus and $12,945 for
ASU-Marked Tree. The cumulative budget reduction for the fiscal
year is $1,121,655 for ASU-Jonesboro and $51,783 for ASU-Marked
Tree. Dr. Les Wyatt, president, said Friday that no decision has
been made as to how ASU will react to this latest reduction.
Because state budget issues should be addressed
during the special session of the General Assembly starting today, he
anticipates it will be prudent to wait until the end of the week to consider reduction strategies.
awards ceremony is Wednesday
Congratulations to
recipients of the 2003 Distinguished Performance Awards. This
program, which began in 1994, recognizes outstanding service and job performance by
ASU's non-faculty employees. A campus-wide recognition
ceremony will be held Wednesday at Fowler Center,
beginning at 1:30 p.m. This year's honorees are:
* Customer
Service Award: Sylvia Strawbridge, Department of Music;
* Executive/Managerial Category: Greg Thornburg, Financial Aid and
* Professional/Non-Faculty Category: Mark Meyer, Printing
* Technical/Paraprofessional Category: Brenda Isreal,
University Police;
* Secretarial/Clerical Category: Pat Lewis, Facilities
* Skilled Crafts Category: Jeff Gulley, Facilities
* Service Maintenance Category: Noble Graddy, Residence
* Part-Time
Employee Category: Sue Carver, Finance and Administration.
Retiring employees, as well as those with years of service
at five-year increments (10, 15, 20, etc.) also will be recognized.
accreditation important for education programs
The recent notification of NCATE accreditation
renewal was very important to the College of Education and the professional
education programs at ASU. While the notice is great news for ASU, it
is even more significant to the school children whose teachers complete
their classroom preparation at ASU. NCATE review and accreditation is a very
effective way to ensure the public that colleges of education, like
ASU's, are preparing and graduating well-qualified teachers. Read the
details in a NewsPage
release, and see the editorial in today's Jonesboro Sun.
Research assistants win
prestigious awards
Anil Baral of Katmandu, Nepal, and
Randy Stidham of Wynne, student research assistants working under the
direction of Dr. Robert Engelken, professor of electrical engineering,
have won prestigious fellowship grants to support their continuing
research. Baral, a candidate for the Ph.D. in environmental science,
was one of only two national winners of a $10,000 graduate student
research grant from the Institute of Hazardous Materials Management.
The grant award was in response to a proposal that he and Dr. Engelken
had previously submitted.
Stidham, an
undergraduate electrical, computer, and information engineering major,
won a $6,500 NASA Workforce Development Fellowship through the
NASA/Arkansas Space Grant Consortium.
Read more details in a NewsPage
Heritage Studies to
present advance showing of 'Hoxie'
Heritage Studies Ph.D. program invites everyone to attend an advanced
screening of a documentary film, "Hoxie: The First Stand," by
David Appleby of the University of Memphis. The film will be
shown Monday, May 12, at 6:30 p.m. in the Fowler Center. The film
tells the story of one of the earliest school integration battles in
the South. At Hoxie in 1955, five school board members and the
superintendent stood their ground to end segregated education in that
Lawrence County community. Appleby, Howard Vance (one of the board
members), Dr. Mildred Vance, and Dr. C. Calvin Smith will participate
in a panel discussion following the presentation.
Grants approved for Crowley's
Ridge Parkway projects
The staff of ASU's Arkansas
Delta Byways has received word that three federal grants they sought
have been approved. Arkansas Delta Byways is a 15-county non-profit
tourism promotion association that supports Crowley's Ridge Parkway and
the Great River Road. The U.S. Department of Transportation
announced that 206 projects in 42 states will share $24 million in
Federal Highway Administration scenic byways grants. The local
projects approved include $25,000 for defining and developing the
interpretive plan for the Arkansas Great River Road; $24,984 for
updating the corridor management plan for Crowley's Ridge Parkway; and
$900,000 for the scenic byway interpretive exhibits in the Crowley's
Ridge Nature Center being built in Jonesboro by the Arkansas Game and
Fish Commission. Congratulations to Dr. Ruth A. Hawkins and the
ADB staff, who worked on all three grant applications. These were
the only FWHA grants approved in Arkansas.
Board of Trustees meeting will be
Friday, May 9
The Board of Trustees meeting Friday, May 9, will be conducted by conference
call. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m., and interested
individuals may monitor the call in the Board Room of the Dean B. Ellis
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