Faculty Honors Convocation, retirement recognition held
University officials formally recognized faculty members and
retiring faculty yesterday at ASU's annual Faculty Honors
Convocation, held this year in Centennial Hall. A reception for
retiring faculty preceded the convocation. The recognition of the
emeriti faculty, along with the presentation of the Arkansas State
University Board of Trustees Faculty Achievement Awards and the
Outstanding Academic Advising Award, then took place.
Dr. G.
Daniel Howard, vice chancellor for Academic Affairs and
Research, formally recognized the retiring faculty members, Dr.
Larry Dale, professor of economics, Department of Economics and
Finance, College of Business; Prof. Richard Jorgensen,
professor of music, Department of Music, College of Fine Arts;
Dr. Whitney Williams,
chair and associate professor of Clinical Laboratory Sciences,
College of Nursing and Health Professions; and Dr. William Wyatt,
professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and Physics, College
of Sciences and Mathematics. The deans of the retirees’ colleges
also made remarks, as did ASU chancellor, Dr. Robert Potts.
Dr. Louella Moore, professor of accounting and president of
ASU’s Faculty Senate/Faculty Association, presented plaques to the
retiring faculty.
Outstanding Academic Advising Award and the ASU Board of Trustees
Faculty Achievement Awards for Teaching, Professional Service, and
Scholarship, are presented each spring to four faculty members who
have demonstrated unusually significant and meritorious achievement
in advising, teaching, professional service, and scholarship.
The Outstanding Academic Advising Award recipient was Dr. Richard
K. Freer, associate professor of Social Work, College of Nursing
and Health Professions. This award was presented by Melissa
Jackson, advisor, Office of Advisement Services, and Dr.
Lynita Cooksey, associate vice chancellor for Academic Services
and dean of University College.

Christopher Brown, Dr. Gregory Hansen, Dr. Catherine Reese, and Dr.
Richard K. Freer with their awards.
Following the presentation of the Outstanding Academic Advisement
Award, Dr. G. Daniel Howard presented the Faculty Achievement
Awards for teaching, professional service, and scholarship. The
Faculty Achievement Award for Teaching recipient was Dr.
Catherine Reese, associate professor of Public Administration,
Department of Political Science, College of Humanities and Social
Sciences. The Faculty Achievement Award for Professional Service
recipient was Dr. Gregory Hansen, associate professor of
English and Folklore, Department of English and Philosophy, College
of Humanities and Social Sciences. The Faculty Achievement Award for
Scholarship recipient was Dr. Christopher Brown, professor of
Economics, Department of Economics and Finance, College of Business.
Faculty nominees in the
category of scholarship included Dr. Christopher Brown, Dr.
Lance Bryant, Dr. Carol O’Connor and Dr. Clyde Milner,
Dr. Thomas Risch, and Dr. Angela Schmidt. Nominees for
service included Dr. Joanna Grymes, Dr. Gregory Hansen,
Dr. Russell Jones, Dr. Tillman Kennon, Dr. Mike
McDaniel, and Dr. Timothy Oliver. Nominees for teaching
included Dr. Ellis Benjamin, Dr. Loretta Brewer, Dr.
Catherine Reese, and Prof. Molly Simpson.
Nominees for academic advising included Dr.
Catherine Calloway, Prof. Lori Fenner, Dr. Richard
Freer, Dr. Mike Hall, Dr. Hai Jiang, Dr. Andy
Mooneyhan, Dr. Amy Pearce and Dr. Susan Roehrig.
For more details, see the NewsPage
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