Chancellor search gets underway
The application and nomination process is now open for Chancellor of
Arkansas State University-Jonesboro. The position announcement and
institutional profile are available and may be viewed at Please visit this website to
learn more about the position and the application process.
Dr. Brewer presents at annual meeting
Loretta Brewer,
Social Work, presented Assessing Caregiver Risk: The Implications
of Health Disparities, in February at the Council on Social Work Education
annual meeting in Chicago.
For all the latest faculty and staff
achievements and updates, click on Campus News.
Aldridge receives grant;
delivers presentation
Lee Aldridge,
Physical Therapy, gave a platform presentation in reflective
practice during the 2006 European Teacher Educational Network held
in Leiden, The Netherlands, in February. In addition, Aldridge
recently won approval of a grant proposal, Lymphedema 101: Spanish Version,
from the Susan G. Komen Foundation .
Dr. Zibluk
named Region 7 director for NPPA
Jack Zibluk,
Journalism, has been named Region 7 director of the National Press
Photographers Association. As director, Zibluk will be responsible
for activities and membership in a four-state region, which includes
Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri and Kansas. ASU also hosts the NPPA
Region 7 website and listserv, under the direction of Ernie Rice,
photo technician.
Gallery spring show opens Thursday
The opening reception for
horizons, the spring show
at the Bradbury Gallery in Fowler Center, will be Thursday, March 9,
at 5 p.m. The exhibition, which continues through April
15, will feature numerous works of art that depict or make reference
to the horizon line. Assistance
with the exhibition was provided by David Lusk Gallery in Memphis,
Rudolph Projects in Houston, Morgan Lehman Gallery in New York City
and Kiechel Fine Arts in Lincoln, Nebraska. Major assistance was
provided by the Arkansas Arts Center and Thom Hall. Gallery hours
are noon to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday, and 2 - 5 p.m. on
Sundays. The exhibition is admission-free and open to the public.
For details, see the
Curator from New Orleans arts center to
David S. Rubin,
curator of visual arts at the New Orleans
Contemporary Arts Center, will present a public lecture at 7 p.m.
Tuesday in the Fine Arts Center Recital Hall. Rubin has also served as the
curator of 20th century art at Phoenix Art Museum and as
associate director/chief curator of Cleveland Center for
Contemporary Art in Ohio. Prior positions include director of the
Freedman Gallery at Albright College in Reading, Penn.; director of
exhibitions at the San Francisco Art Institute and adjunct curator
for San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; director at the Santa Monica
College Art Gallery; assistant director for Galleries of the
Claremont Colleges and assistant professor of art history, Scripps
College in Claremont, Calif. For more details, see the
Fitness Challenge, must sign
up by week's end
It is not too late to sign up
for the Arkansas Fitness Challenge! Registration will close Friday,
March 10. The Arkansas Fitness Challenge
is a
13-week, worksite wellness initiative designed to improve the health
of employees. It is a virtual race through 30 cities across
Arkansas. Each time you log 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, you move
to another city. And, ASU employees have been challenged by St.
Bernards to see who can win this race to fitness.
Participants in the Arkansas Fitness
Challenge have from March 1 to May 31 to complete the challenge of
moving around the Arkansas map. For more details and to register,
click here.
and museum exhibit to open
The Fine Arts Center
Gallery and the ASU
Museum a nnounce the 2006 Masters Thesis Exhibition featuring
the work of Sarah Elizabeth Miller. This two part exhibition, which
opens tomorrow, continues through Friday, March 17, and will offer a
look at her recent work. An opening reception will be held tomorrow
from 4 – 7 p.m. at both the Fine Arts Center and the museum. The
work, which will be displayed in both galleries, focuses on concerns
such as vulnerability and physical and emotional maintenance and
comfort. In an attempt to relate to the audience Miller utilizes
materials that are commonly associated with topics like cosmetics,
bandages, and handkerchiefs. For more details, see the
First Friday, report
from Dr. Wyatt
This month's First Friday
report by ASU President Dr. Les Wyatt was distributed to all faculty
and staff on Friday, March 3. This month's report included the good
news about enrollment management as well as progress on the
chancellor search. To see First Friday,
click here.
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