Nominations for Diversity Excellence Awards due
The Office of Diversity looks forward to
recognizing individuals and/or institutional units for preeminent
commitment to diversity at the annual Diversity Excellence Awards
luncheon to be held Wednesday, April 9. The deadline for nominations
for the Diversity Excellence Award is Friday, March 14. Nominations
should be sent to Marilyn
Brewer, Office of the Chancellor. More information about the
award may be found
here. For details, contact
Dr. Glen Jones. The 2008 Diversity Excellence Awards are
presented in conjunction with Convocation of Scholars Week, April
7-11, at ASU.
'Through A Child's Eyes XXII' deadline
set for entries
The Arkansas
State University Museum is preparing for the annual exhibit of
ch ildren’s art “Through a Child’s Eyes XXII.” Schools, both public
and private, and within 60 miles of Jonesboro, are invited to submit
10 works of art from children aged four through grade 8. Individual
participants may enter one piece of artwork. Any two-dimensional
medium is acceptable; framed works are not acceptable. Deadline for
entry is Friday, March 14.
A free public reception will be held on Sunday, April 6, at 1:30
p.m. For details and entry forms, contact the ASU Museum at ext.
2074, or see the NewsPage release.
Metallurgical Engineering Technology seminar slated
Dr. Zariff (Zac) Chaudhury,
Metallurgical Technology, and Dr. Charles Coleman,
Technology Program, College of Agriculture, will present a
seminar on the new metallurgical technology program and related job
opportunities on Thursday, Feb. 28. The seminar begins at 3:15 p.m.,
in Room 203 of the College of Agriculture building. Admission is
free. Speakers will include Dr. Chaudhury,
Dr. Coleman, and
Dr. Greg Phillips,
dean. For details, see the
NewsPage release.
University Planning Committee
meeting to be held today
The University Planning Committee meeting will be held today at 9
a.m. on the 8th floor of the Dean B. Ellis Library.
Lecture by Dr. Henry Louis
Gates Jr. has been canceled
The Lecture-Concert Series
presentation featuring Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr., scheduled for
Thursday, Feb. 28, has been canceled. For details, see the
NewsPage release.
Costa Rica Study Abroad
information session slated
An information meeting for the Costa Rica Summer Study Abroad
Program will be held Monday, Feb. 25, at 2 p.m., in the Office of
International Programs Lounge (Room 200 in the International Student
Center). Dates for the four-week-long program are Sunday, June
15-Saturday, July 14. Participating students earn 6 credit hours in
Spanish (multiple levels) and live with Costa Rican families. For
details, contact Dr. Ruth Owens,
faculty leader, at 680-8213, or
Carl Lindquist, Study
Abroad Advisor, at ext. 2329.
Professor emeritus speaks to
historical society
Dr. Michael Dougan, professor emeritus, History, recently spoke to
the Searcy County Historical Society in Marshall, Ark. His
talk, "Long May It Wave -- The Mountain Wave, That Is," addressed the
history of the county newspaper, The Mountain Wave. Dougan is author
of the book "Community Diaries: Arkansas Newspapering, 1819-2002,"
and frequently makes presentations to other county groups.
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