Dr. Pittcock wins 2006 resource
conservation award

Dr. Kim Pittcock,
Horticulture, and associate dean of the College of Agriculture,
received the Friend of Resource Conservation and Development award
Dec. 11 in Little Rock. The award, presented annually by the
Arkansas State Association of Resource Conservation and Development
Councils, is given to agencies or individuals who demonstrate
continued support of resource conservation and development.
Nominations for the award were statewide. Among Dr. Pittcock's
achievements were her role in establishing and developing the ASU
Regional Farmers' Market and her work on the L'Anguille Watershed
Coalition project.
'Simultaneously' opens at Bradbury Gallery
On Thursday, Jan. 18, at 5
p.m., ASU's Bradbury Gallery begins the new year with an opening
reception for "S imultaneously:
The Art of Roger Carlisle and Daniel J. Reeves." The bi-annual event
is one in a series featuring two members of the ASU Department of
Art. Les Christensen, gallery director, says, "these two painters
are both illusionists...through a shared creative generosity that
allows us to see in a new way." The exhibition runs through Feb. 18.
For details, see
Stewart's article published in state newspape r
Patrick Stewart, Public Administration, wrote an op-ed column
that appeared recently on the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette's Voices page.
As a follow-up to recent public discussion on appropriate
curriculum for high school students, Stewart wrote that the
importance of teaching citizenship skills has been overlooked. He
bases his conclusion partially on his findings through ASU's Center
for Social Research.
American Heart Association Heart Walk scheduled
Volunteers are needed to
participate in the 2007 Jonesboro Heart Walk, sponsored by the
American Heart Association. Fundraising volunteers are also needed.
The walk will take place Saturday, March 31, at 10 a.m. at Joe Mack Campbell Park. If you are interested
in creating a team or joining a team, please contact
Chris Enger at ext. 3974 or
Christy Harvey at ext. 3600.
Staff Senate hosts reception for chancellor
Reminder: On Wednesday, Jan. 17, the ASU Staff
Senate will host a staff reception for Dr. Robert Potts, new
chancellor for ASU-Jonesboro. The drop-in reception, from 1:15-2
p.m. on the 8th floor of the Dean B. Ellis Library, provides an opportunity for all ASU staff to meet Dr. Potts.
Refreshments will be served. The ASU Staff Senate will meet in the
library board room at 2, immediately following the reception.
Chancellor Potts will address the senate.
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