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ASU to offer various summer academic camps for
students ages 8-18
Please note updated information about
ASU's CSI Camp: registration for Session II has now been extended until
5 p.m., Wednesday, June 11.
Also, entering 9th graders will now be
eligible to attend CSI Camp with the permission of the dean of the
College of Humanities and Social Sciences (see information below.)
May 9, 2008 --
Arkansas State University will offer a selection of summer
academic camps this year. All camps will be held on the campus of ASU-Jonesboro.
ASU's College of Humanities and Social Sciences offers CSI: Forensic
Science Camp for students who will enter grades 10, 11, or 12 in the
fall of 2008. Update: Entering 9th graders will
also be eligible to attend with the permission of Dean Gloria Gibson,
at (870) 972-3973 ( The camp will provide hands-on

experience at reconstructed
crime scenes (as above), in the lab, and in the classroom. Students will learn how
to create an investigative plan, and they will learn about the
connections between crime scenes, the lab, interrogation, and the
courtroom. Crime scene processing, lab analysis (forensic biology and
chemistry), investigative strategies, and psychological profiling will
also be covered. Lecturers include ASU faculty, law enforcement
personnel, professional investigators, and laboratory scientists.
Students will also utilize ASU’s libraries, labs, and advanced
technology resources. Session I runs from Monday-Friday, June 16-20;
Session II runs from Monday-Friday, June 23-27. The fee for the camp is
$350. The camp fee covers
instructional materials and lab fees, and room and meals for five days
and four nights in ASU’s residence halls. Students must bring linens,
pillows, and towels. Around-the-clock adult supervision is provided. For
details, call the College of Humanities & Social Sciences at (870)
972-3973 or visit
CSI: Forensic
Science Camp
for more information about this year's camp.
ASU’s College of Education will offer “Creating Student Investigators,”
a camp for both students in grades 8-12 and teachers of grades 7-12.
This camp is offered at no cost. There are two sessions for teachers;
session 1 runs from Monday-Friday, June 9-13, and from Monday-Saturday,
June 16-21. The student session of the camp runs from Tuesday, June
17-Saturday, June 21. Parents are invited to attend on Saturday, June
21. For more information, call (870) 972-3064.
ASU’s College of Agriculture will offer Horse Camp Sunday-Wednesday,
June 22-25, for youth aged 10-16, at beginner and intermediate levels.
The cost of the camp is $280. Horse Camp for youth aged 10-16 who are at
the advanced level is $275 and will be held Thursday-Saturday, June
26-28. For more information, call (870) 972-2085.
ASU Museum Camp is for children ages 8-13. The cost per child for each
camp is $85 for ASU Museum members and $100 for non-members and includes
supplies. Limited class size offers an excellent experience for
students. Admission is first-come, first-served. No telephone or e-mail
reservations will be accepted, and full payment must accompany
registration. Pottery will be offered Monday-Friday, June 2-6, and there
are two sections, from 9 a.m.-12 noon and from 1-4 p.m. Printmaking will
be offered Monday-Friday, June 9-13, from 1-4 p.m. Robo-Camp will be
held Monday-Friday, June 9-13, and there are two sections--from 9
a.m.-12 noon and from 1-4 p.m. Art meets science and engineering in this
introduction to robotics. The brains of the operation, a miniature
computer named Cricket, and the laptop computers necessary for
programming will be available during camp.
Please note a correction to the
information about ASU Choir Camp in the paragraph below.
The Department of Music in the College of Fine Arts at ASU will offer
Choir Camp, with a discount available to All-Region and All-State choir
members. This camp is designed for students ranging from those who are
entering grade 7 this fall through 2008 high school graduates. ASU Choir
Camp runs from Sunday-Thursday, June 22-26. Cost for campers who choose
to stay on campus is $290, and the cost for those who return home each
night is $190. For more information, and to obtain a camp application,
call the Department of Music at (870) 972-2094.
The Department of Music in the College of Fine Arts at ASU will also
offer its Summer Piano Festival. Students in grades 1-6 will attend camp
Monday-Wednesday, June 9-11, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. The cost of camp is
$150. Students in grades 7-12 will attend camp Monday-Wednesday, June
16-18, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m., and that camp costs $150. For more
information, call (870) 680-8029.