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Strong-Turner Alumni Chapter holds membership
March 4, 2009 --
The Strong-Turner
Alumni Chapter (STAC), a chapter of the Arkansas State University Alumni
Association focusing on African-American alumni and friends of the
university, is conducting a membership phonathon through March 9 to
encourage membership in the chapter.
More than 25
volunteers will be making calls from ASU's Cooper Alumni Center in the
late afternoon and early evening to current and
members of the Strong-Turner Alumni Chapter. The volunteers hope to
encourage people to join the chapter or renew their membership.
ASU faculty
member Dr. Patricia Guy-Walls explained why she is volunteering her
time, saying, "It's an excellent way to strengthen membership and
encourage alumni to come back and share the exciting things that are
happening at ASU. By increasing our membership, it's an opportunity to
provide more scholarships and help young people further their education
at ASU." Fellow faculty member Peggy Robinson Wright added, "I think
it's important for us to give back. ASU provided us with an education,
with friendships and with job opportunities. The phonathon gives us the
chance to let alumni know what's going on other than the big events of
the year such as Homecoming, the Honors ceremony, and our annual Soul
Food dinner."
Ruby Henderson, a Jonesboro realtor, says, "I volunteered because I
think it is a worthwhile cause, and it's great to take an active role in
the phonathon to get alumni involved." ASU staffer Billie Jean Hill,
who organized the membership phonathon, cited

one more important reason for the project, saying, "Along with being a
worthwhile thing to do, it's also fun! I love being able to get together
with friends to accomplish our goals and increase membership. We can
also increase support for events that we sponsor such as the 3.0 Club,
the Linual Cameron scholarship, and the Gussie Turner Scholarship, and
hopefully expand to doing high school programs and potluck events for
fellowship and fun."
The Strong-Turner Alumni Chapter was formed at
Arkansas State
University in 1982 to meet the needs of African-American alumni. The
chapter is named after Walter Strong and Frederick Turner, the first
African-American graduates of A-State. The late Mr. Strong graduated
with a degree in chemistry in 1959 and also received a masters degree in
education from ASU in 1971. Lt. Col. Turner was a 1960 graduate in
education who also received a masters degree in education from ASU in
1972. He was the first African-American instructor on campus, teaching
in the Department of Military Science, and is the father of 1986 ASU
graduate Dr. Debbye Turner Bell, who was Miss America 1990.
For more
information on the Strong-Turner Alumni Chapter, contact the ASU Alumni
Association at 870-972-ALUM (2586), e-mail
or see the Alumni website at for a link to STAC.
credits: Dr. Nancy Hendricks, director, Alumni Association Publications