Draft of Strategic Directions for Arkansas State University

Generated at Feb 26, 2004 Stakeholders’ Conference



1.  Enhance the university’s reputation, visibility, and influence.


2.  Increase learning by enhancing the quality of the institution’s premier priorities of teaching, research, and service.


3.  Develop a strong sense of community and shared governance with excellent communication at all levels.


4.  Establish assessment systems in each university unit to enhance the quality of student learning and institutional service outcomes.


5.  Increase enrollment, retention, and graduation rates of undergraduate and graduate students.


6.   Enhance diversity and inclusiveness of students, faculty, staff, and curriculum.


7.  Increase resources to the university.


8.  Strategically allocate/reallocate resources among divisions and colleges.


9.  Enhance and expand the university’s utilization of technology.  (Consider as strategic initiative rather than strategic direction?)