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Service Recognition, Distinguished
Performance Awards, and dedication of staff Centennial Wall of Honor are
April 27
April 20, 2010
-- ASU's annual Distinguished Performance Awards and Service Recognition
ceremony will this year feature th e unveiling of the Staff Centennial
Wall of Honor, recognizing 100 staff members who have made significant
contributions to ASU in its 100-year history. Staff members chosen were
required to have been employed by ASU for at least 10 years, as well as
making significant contributions to the university.
The ceremony begins at 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 27, in Centennial Hall,
ASU Student Union, and will be followed by a dessert reception in the
Alumni Lounge.
Randy Martin, Staff Senate president, will provide a welcome and
opening remarks for the 17th annual service recognition and
distinguished performance awards ceremony. Chancellor Robert L. Potts
will make remarks and will then recognize staff for years of service as
well as recognizing retirees.
Recognition for service notes those staff members
who have served 40, 30, 25, 20, and 10 years at Arkansas State
University. Those staff members retiring this year are also recognized.
Retirees are: Jerry Bailey, Facilities Management, Margaret
Brewer, Career Planning and Placement, Jennus Burton, Systems
Office, Janis Cook, Facilities Management, Kay Davis,
Academic Affairs and Research, Darlene Etter, Athletics,
Dorothy Flynn, Facilities Management, Joe Phillips,
Facilities Management, Betty Pulford, Human Resources, Sue
Marlay, University College, Mackie Smith, Institutional
Services, and Lanny Tinker, Facilities Management.
Employees recognized for 10 years of service are: Karen Fullen,
Johnna Redman, Angela Daniels, Wallace Brewer, Patricia Runyan, Tim
Davis, Heath Kelly, Philip Hestand, Barbara Coker, Lon Badeaux, Sharon
Dollar, Naomi Graves, Terrie Rolland, Angie Smith, Floyd Cozart, Peggy
Campbell, Cynthia Miller, Timothy Cureton, Roy Perry, Mary Ray, Susan
Crawford, Wendy Crist, Gail Rasberry, Myra Goodwin, Haley Stout, David
Maloch, Ozie Brown, and April Konvalinka.
Employees recognized for 20 years of service are: Myron Flugstadt,
Mark Berky, Martin Bryant, Margaret Watson, Jim Washam, Laura Cremeens,
Tracey McMasters, David Carmack, Evone Roberts, Brian Tibbs, Joe Roy
Kilburn, Paula Bradberry, Tim Smith, Tami Watlington, Willie LaGrone,
Shannon Ellenburg, Mark Smith, Greg Beeler, and Christie Ollis.
Employees recognized for 25 years of service are: Jan Woodruff, Mary
Smith, Marty Wolfe, Philip Jackson, Tom Moore, Linda Cole, and
Mark Wade.
Employees recognized for 30 years
of service are: Karen Vardell, Carol Byrd, Eugene Wittlake,
Dorothy Thweatt, William R. Stripling, Sam Shannon, and David Gray.
Employee recognized for 40 years
of service: Paula Lamb.
The presentation of the Distinguished Performance Awards, initiated in
1994 to
recognize outstanding job performance and long-time service by the
university’s non-faculty employees, both classified and non-classified,
will begin with Ed Kremers, vice chancellor
for Finance and Administration, who will present Distinguished
Performance awards to three individuals--the Professional/Non-Faculty
Award to Terry Carty, the Skilled Crafts Award to Larry
Darr, and the Service Maintenance Award to Ruth Ann Miles.
Mark Hoeting, associate vice chancellor of Information Technology,
will present the Distinguished Performance Award-Executive
Managerial to Margaret Watson. Dr. Glen Jones, senior
associate vice chancellor for Academic Affairs and Research will present
two awards--the Distinguished Performance Award-Professional/Non-Faculty
to Darla Fletcher, and the Distinguished Performance
Award-Technical/Para-Professional to Jennifer Douglas. Dr. J W Mason, associate vice chancellor for Administration, will present
two awards-- the Distinguished Performance Award-Secretarial/Clerical to
Polly Cronos, and the Distinguished Performance Award-Part-Time
Employee to Soni Walton. Dan Pierce, Arkansas State
University Board of Trustees member, will present the Distinguished
Performance Award for Customer Service to Penny Payne.
The Customer Service
Award is determined based upon nominations by ASU students. Each winner
of the Distinguished Performance Award will receive a plaque and a
savings bond.
Randy Martin will then recognize the Centennial Staff Senators
and detail the selection criteria for the 100 Outstanding Staff. A
10-minute video, created by
Hunter West, Information and Technology Services, will then detail
what seven staff members love about ASU. Staff members featured in the
video are
Phil Pickle, Information and Technology Services (retired),
Ruth Hawkins, Arkansas Heritage SITES,
Barbara Broadaway, Food Services (ASU retiree who currently works
for Sodhexo),
Ron Looney, Publications and Creative Services,
Irene Martz, Academic Affairs and Research (retired),
Janis Cook, Facilities Management,
Patrick Dixon, Residence Life.
Sandra Bramblett, Billy Pierce, and Carolyn Douglas
will then read the names of the 100 Outstanding Staff. Chancellor Potts,
Randy Martin, Sandra Bramblett, Billy Pierce, and Carolyn Douglas will
then unveil the Staff Centennial Wall of Honor. Refreshments will follow
in Alumni Lounge.
The 100 Outstanding Staff are:
Oliver Armstrong
Finance and Administration
Jerry Bailey
Facilities Management
Carol Barnhill
Procurement Services
Greg Beeler
Facilities Management
Rosie Bilbrey
College of Business
Sherry Blevins
Finance and Administration
Gina Bowman
Media Relations
Brian Boyer
Women's Basketball
Paula Bradberry
First Year Studies
Margaret Brewer
Career Services
Marilyn Brewer
Chancellor's Office
Barbara Broadaway
Food Services
Sue Brown
Human Resources
Ron Carroll
Sports Medicine
Terry Carty
Facilities Management
Janis Cook
Facilities Management
Ken Cooper
University Police
Gerald Craig
Financial Aid
Laura Cremeens
Student Affairs
Kay Davis
Academic Affairs and Research
D. A. Davis
Environmental Health and Safety
Tim Dean
Convocation Center
Patrick Dixon
Residence Life
H.E. Cap Eldridge
Tracy Farmer
Library Services
Starr Fenner
Environmental Health and Safety
Bill Fisher
Glen Fletcher
Cashier's Window
Tammy Fowler
Rosemary Freer
Testing Center
Doris Gibson
Payroll Services
Patricia Glascock
Counseling Center
Mary Ann Haines
Career Planning and Placement
Clint Halcom
Facilities Management
Hester Hall
Custodial Services
Ray Hall, Sr.
Field Services
Bill Hansard
Library Services
Janet Hardin
Payroll Services
Gary Harper
Information and Technology Services
Brenda Hawkins
Residence Life
Ruth Hawkins
Arkansas Heritage SITES
Woodrow Haynes, Sr.
Farm Services
Robin Hicks
Academic Affairs and Research
Victor Hill
Financial Aid and Scholarships
Don James
Finance and Administration
Linda Jeffrey
Arkansas Biosciences Institute
Craig Johnson
Student Affairs
Sherry L. Johnson
Chancellor's Office
Kathryn Jones
Institutional Research. Planning, and Assessment
Pamela Kail
President's Office
Robin Kaloghirou
Financial Aid and Scholarships
Robert Kern
Printing Services
Guy Kochel
Track and Field
Paula Lamb
Information and Technology Services
Sharon Lee
Student Account Services
Ron Looney
Publications and Creative Services
Dwain Lutrell
Finance and Administration
Robbie Lyle
Upward Bound
Paula Lynn
Advisement Services
Greta Mack
Thomas Manning
Alumni Relations
Sue Marlay
University College
Randy Martin
University Police
Irene Martz
Academic Affairs and Research
Jerry Mathis
Physical Plant
Leonard McDaniel
Mary Lou McDaniel
Student Affairs
Paula Miles
Arkansas Heritage SITES
Darlister Mitchell
President's Office
Tom Moore
Chancellor's Office
Robert Moore
Student Affairs
Jo Ann Nalley
Childhood Services
Lu Nedrow
Food Services
Don Neldon
Facilities Management
Renee O'Connor
College of
Fine Arts
Hope Phillips
Arkansas Biosciences Institute
Phil Pickle
Information and Technology Services
Mark Reeves
Publications and Creative Services
Ernie Rice
Jenifer Rice-Mason
Disability Services
Michael Ring
Facilities Management
Bobby Ruff
Printing Services
Jerry Schaeffer
Sports Information Services
Johnnie Segars
Finance and Administration
Naomi Shaffer
Graduate School
Jill Simons
Wilson Advising Center
Beth Smith
Alumni Relations
Sam Spurlock
Finance and Administration
Ruth Steinsiek
Childhood Services
Sylvia Strawbridge
Peggy Stroud
Student Affairs
Randall Tate
Student Union
Bill Templeton
Athletic Administration
Lanny Tinker
Facilities Management
Mary Tolley
Custodial Services
Ralph Waddell
Buildings and Grounds
Randal Wallace
Facilities Management
Charlene Walton
Cashier's Window
Les Watson
Finance and Administration
Marcia Williams
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