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College of Engineering receives
donation of electric power grid equipment
April 6, 2010 --
Arkansas State
University’s Electrical Engineering Program recently received a donation
of an electric power grid protection system from Schweitzer Engineering
Laboratories, Inc. (SEL) of Pullman, Wash., a leading provider of fault
monitoring and protection systems for the commercial electric power

left) Dr. Robert Engelken, Director and Professor of Electrical
Engineering; Emery Perry, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.; Dr.
Paul Mixon, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering.
The donation, facilitated by Mr. Emery L. Perry, regional SEL field
representative from Conway, consisted of a protection relay module,
associated test and simulation system, peripherals, and software.
“We are delighted to receive Schweitzer’s generous donation and greatly
appreciate Mr. Perry’s efforts at arranging it and visiting ASU,” said
Dr. Robert Engelken, Director and Professor of Electrical Engineering.
“The equipment will be a valuable enhancement of our capability to
expose students to state-of-the art equipment in the power industry. We
hope that it is just one step in building a strong relationship between
the ASU College of Engineering and Schweitzer Engineering
The equipment will be integrated with electrical power and machinery
coursework and research at ASU to demonstrate to engineering students
how fault tolerance can be maintained on the electric power grid.
Such faults are anything that causes disruption or failure in the
distribution of electric power and can include obvious things such as
lightning strikes, fallen tree limbs, and collapsing lines and poles,
and less obvious phenomena such as harmonics and voltage and current
wave reflections on the lines.
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