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University fraternity receives ‘Model Chapter of the
Year’ honor, other awards
April 8, 2010
The Lambda Eta Chapter of
Phi Beta Sigma, a fraternity organization on the campus of Arkansas
State University, was recently honored as “Model Chapter of the Year,”
at the southwestern regional conference in Nashville, Tenn. The chapter
also earned “Best Chapter Report for a Level II Chapter,” and “Most
Registered Delegates” honors.

In addition, Brother 2 Brother president Harry White of Little Rock won
the Oratorical Debate award and chapter president and Student Government
Association vice president-elect Kiel Smith of Forrest City was
appointed to the regional board as a collegiate-at-large. The
southwestern region includes Arkansas, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma,
Missouri, and western Tennessee.
“We are extremely proud of the accomplishments of our students who
participate in our campus Greek organizations,” said ASU Chancellor
Robert L. Potts. “Fraternities and sororities do much good work that
often goes unnoticed. I am very happy that this fraternity achieved
positive recognition for the ASU chapter. Its members are to be
“I am very proud of Lambda Eta,” said Dr. J.W. Mason, associate vice
chancellor for Finance and Administration and adviser for the
fraternity. “They set some ambitious goals early in the year to make a
statement at the regional conference, and they did by winning the
chapter of the year award, along with the oratorical contest award.
“What I am most proud of is their representation at the conference and
winning the award for the most registered delegates,” concluded Dr.
The advising team for the Lambda Eta chapter is Kevin Wright of Little
Rock, Taurus Mathis of North Little Rock, and chapter past president
Jerome Thomas of Hughes and each of these three are members of the Nu
Tau Sigma Jonesboro Alumni Chapter.
“The success of Lambda Eta is a true reflection of its leadership. I am
very proud of immediate past president Anthony Davis and the way these
guys have conducted themselves,” said Thomas. “Becoming the first
African American fraternity to have a house at ASU, and now winning
“Model Chapter of the Year” for the southwestern region, I am very
anxious to see what the future holds for them.”
# # #
Pictured: Members of ASU's Lambda Eta Chapter of Phi Beta
Sigma with awards. --Photo by Jerome Thomas.