Board of Trustees
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Contact: Dr. Susan Allen (870-972-2030)
ITEM: Promotion, retention
and tenure (PRT) are awarded by the Board of Trustees acting through the
president of the university; therefore, changes in the PRT policy must be
approved by the ASU Board. Research and
Academic Affairs request approval to implement the following PRT revisions
effective with the 2004-2005 academic year.
ISSUE: The University Promotion, Retention
and Tenure Committee and the vice chancellor for Research and Academic Affairs
have reviewed the current PRT policy and support the following revisions:
Change in Department PRT Committee Composition. Each department will maintain a
standing committee on promotion, retention, and tenure. Departmental PRT
committees will have a minimum of five tenured faculty members representing all
areas within the department. Faculty of each department will elect the
committee with committee members serving staggered three-year terms. If the
department cannot form a committee of five, the department chair, after
consultation with the faculty in their department, will select faculty from
other departments in the college to make up the committee. The chair of the
department may serve on the committee as a non-voting member.
Comprehensive Pre-tenure Review. A Comprehensive Pre-Tenure Review will be completed
in the third year of employment at ASU for all pre-tenure faculty
regardless of rank. This review will
require that all third-year pre-tenure faculty members submit documentation of
performance in the areas of teaching, scholarly activities, and service using
the tenure application format. The
Department PRT Committee, the Department Chair, and the Dean will formally
review this documentation and provide appropriate feedback to each third-year,
pre-tenure faculty member regarding their progress toward tenure.
Tenure Schedule. Persons initially given
pre-tenure appointments as professors, associate professors, or assistant
professors must be reviewed for tenure not later than the completion of their
sixth year of service at
Application for Early Tenure. Since it is unusual for a faculty member to
amass a record of performance that reflects exemplary productivity in less time
than the standard probationary period, accelerated tenure is rare. However, any faculty member has the right to
submit an application seeking tenure during any application period in which
they can clearly demonstrate meeting the performance criteria that would be
expected during the mandatory review. If
a faculty member fails to earn tenure in this accelerated review cycle, he/she
may apply for tenure again only in the sixth year of the pre-tenure cycle.
Be it resolved
that Arkansas State University-Jonesboro is approved to revise the Promotion,
Retention and Tenure policy and implement changes for the 2004-2005 PRT review
Florine Tousant
Milligan, Secretary John Paul Hammerschmidt,