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ASU Model UN wins 'Outstanding Delegation' award
in St. Louis
March 3, 2009 --
Arkansas State
University’s delegates to the recent 49th Annual Midwest
Model United Nations in St. Louis earned the “Outstanding Delegation”
award. More than 500 students from 54 colleges and universities,
representing some 89 countries, took part in the competition.
The Outstanding Delegation award was won by head delegate Isaac Ong’oa,
a Heritage Studies student from Kitale, Kenya, and Brian Maina, a senior
Radio-Television major from Nairobi, Kenya. The pair formed a team in
the Economic and Social Council [ECOSOC] plenary sessions during the
final two days of the conference.
The ASU students represented South Africa at the three-and-a-half day
meet in the St. Louis Marriott Union Station Hotel and Convention
Center, participating in eight councils and committees. The group was
also instrumental in the meet operation. The ASU “ambassadors” and
their counterparts debated a wide range of topics, including
international money laundering, situations in Zimbabwe and Georgia, land
mines, biodiversity, and terrorism, and attempted to devise solutions in
the form of resolutions.
The other ASU delegates who represented South Africa were Friedric
Tarkington from Jonesboro, who took the role of the South African
ambassador in the Security Council; Brandon Smith of Little Rock, who
represented South Africa in a specialized committee dealing with the
Palestinian issue; Chad Whatley of Blytheville and Cemil Ozyalcin of
Istanbul, Turkey, who represented South Africa in the first committee;
Dani Fields of Carlisle, who represented South Africa in the second
committee; Brandon Stroud from Jonesboro and Aysuhan Saral of Samsun,
Turkey, who spoke for South Africa in the third committee; and Paida
Sigauke of Zimbabwe, who represented South Africa in the fourth
Russell Page, Jr. of Trumann began the conference as a South African
delegate in the fourth committee, but was drafted after one session to
help in the administration of the conference. He worked with the
Historical Security Council, which was set in 1982. Ong’oa covered the
International Labor Organization [ILO] sessions for South Africa during
the first two days of the meet, and Maina spoke for South Africa in the
UN Environment Program [UNEP] sessions at the same time.
Heather Strojek of North Little Rock, a recent journalism graduate and
former Herald editor, traveled with the delegation and served as editor
for the conference newspaper, the Midwest
Model United Nations (MMUN) World News & Report, and was selected as the
director of the International Press Delegation for next year’s
Professor of Political Science Dr. Charles Hartwig served as the
delegation's faculty adviser and made a presentation to the other
faculty advisors and the MMUN Board of Directors for an innovative type
of Security Council at the 2010 meet.
The ASU delegates were sponsored by the ASU Model United Nations
Organization and the Department of Political Science.
