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Lecture-Concert Series presents
Melissa Cornick, investigative producer, Feb. 23
Jan. 26,
2010 --
Award-winning broadcast
news producer Melissa Cornick, whose career spans three news networks,
will be the twelfth presenter in Arkansas State University’s
Lecture-Concert Series, “What Can the
Student, the Citizen, and Reporters Do for Journalism and Democrac y?” on Tuesday, Feb. 23, at
7 p.m. in the Student Union Auditorium. Note:
The venue for this event has changed. The lecture was originally
scheduled for the Drama Theatre, Fowler Center.
This performance is co-sponsored by the Office of Diversity at ASU, and
the event is free and open to the public. This event was originally
scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 11, in ASU’s Student Union Auditorium, but
was rescheduled due to a date conflict.
Cornick, an acclaimed broadcast news producer of 20/20 and Nightline,
will discuss how professional journalism ethics can make a positive
difference in the age of hate speech.
Throughout her career, Cornick has been an independent producer. The
focus of her investigative journalism has been on uncovering stories of
human and civil rights. Her stories are generated by the subjects themselves. Cornick’s goal is to
give a voice to the voiceless in an ethical and professional manner.
Her most famous stories include her national news investigation of
blacks who were imprisoned in Tulia, Texas. Her investigation led to
their release. Cornick started her career with Walter Cronkite. She has
also worked at 60 Minutes, Dateline, 20/20, and Nightline.
An original investigation she produced, “Cruelty to Owners?,” won five
awards, including the Edward R. Murrow Award for Investigative
Journalism and the Mongerson Prize for Ethics in Journalism. The
investigation covered a nationwide scheme by so-called animal rescuers
to take the animals and sell them immediately, bypassing the animal
owners’ rights.
In her presentation, Cornick will share and discuss the ethical dilemmas
she has confronted while producing the investigation.
For more details, contact
Gil Fowler,
associate dean for the Honors College, at (870) 972-2308.The
Lecture-Concert Series presents diverse programs to enrich the cultural
life of the campus, community, and region.
Photo: Cameraman Michael Iamuzzi, left, and Melissa Cornick, right,
work on a story. Photo by Claudio Musajo courtesy of Melissa Cornick.
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