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Biology student Kristen Irwin
receives prestigious SURF grant
Dec. 8, 2008 --
Kristen Irwin of
Jonesboro, an Arkansas State University biology major, has been awarded
the prestigious Student Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)
by the Arkansas Department of Higher Education.
The SURF program is designed to allow undergraduate students conduct
in-depth research projects in their specific fields of study with the
assistance of faculty mentors. Irwin will be working under the
supervision of Dr. Aldemaro Romero, chair and professor of the
Department of Biological Sciences at Arkansas State.
The title of the project is “Evolution of troglomorphic characters among
hypogean fishes.” This research is aimed at comparing the development of
characters usually associated with cave adaptation among hypogean (cave)
fishes, such as the reduction of eyes, pigmentation, and scales.
Irwin will be testing whether or not those characters are reduced
concurrently or are subject to different rates of evolution. She will be
examining specimens of nearly 300 species of cave fishes from around the
Irwin is a distinguished senior student planning to graduate in spring
2009. She is the recipient of the Governor’s Distinguished Scholar and
the ASU Transfer Scholar awards. In addition, she has already published
an article in a professional journal on the role played by women in the
history of genetics and presented a paper on that subject at a regional