Feedback Form

The University Communications Office has been distributing Inside ASU weekly to the faculty and staff, except Christmas holidays, for more than two years.  We would like to have your feedback.  Your responses will be captured on a web page file and will be anonymous, because your name and e-mail address will not be recorded.

1. Generally, do you read or glance over at least some of the articles in Inside ASU each week?  Yes No

2. If you clicked "yes," do you generally find the articles to be helpful or informative?  Yes No

3. If you clicked "no" in question #1, what is the reason?

      Articles don't relate to me      Don't have time      Other reason(s):

4. How often would you like to see Inside ASU:  Weekly  Twice weekly   Daily   Every two weeks  Other:

5. What type of information would you like to see that you generally don't see now?

6. What would you suggest as a way to make Inside ASU more effective as an internal communications vehicle at ASU?

7. Other comments or feedback:

Check one:    Faculty member      Staff member


Thank you,

Tom Moore
Office of University Communications