Inside ASU, News for Faculty & Staff, Arkansas State University
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100th Year

Sept.  16, 2009

Calendar highlights:

Exhibit on U.S. Senator Thaddeus Caraway opening reception, Tuesday, Sept. 22,
3:30 p.m., Dean B. Ellis Library main lobby

Lecture-Concert Series presents Jonathan Sandys, "The Gathering Storm," Tuesday,
Sept. 22, 7 p.m., Student Union Auditorium

Fowler Center Series opens 2009-10 season with San Jose Taiko, Friday, Sept. 25,
7:30 p.m.



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Dr. Stroud publishes article in journal
Dr. Bill Stroud, Geography, recently had a research articles published in the Florida Water Resources Journal, Sept. 2009, Vol. 61, No. 9. The article, co-authored with Dr.Dr. Bill Stroud Tom Graff, Geography, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville, is "Cape Coral’s Approach to Water Resource Management." The article concludes that even communities with a poor layout and design and a history of inefficiency (such as Cape Coral) are now beginning to realize the importance of sound resource management and the need to preserve natural resources, particularly fresh water. This article illustrates the importance of making provisions for water supply within pre-platted communities where water needs may be minimal during the early stages of development. Demands often escalate dramatically if the community "succeeds" and experiences rapid population growth. Stroud is also conducting research on water resource issues at Lake Havasu City in western Arizona. A prolonged drought and escalating demand for water within the lower Colorado River basin have made water resource management and conservation a critical issue for city officials at Lake Havasu City.

Dr. Fabricio Medina-Bolívar presents invited research talk
Dr. Fabricio Medina-Bolívar, Plant Metabolic Engineering/ABI, recently presented a research talk at the 238th American Chemical Society National Meeting held in Washington D.C. His invited talk, "Production and Bioactivity of Natural Resveratrol Analogues from Hairy Root Cultures," was part of the session "Bioactives: New Production Technologies," sponsored by the Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry of the American Chemical Society. Dr. Medina-Bolivar’s talk covered research in his laboratory at ABI conducted by two of his PhD students in Molecular Biosciences, Jose Condori and Cesar Nopo-Olazabal, as well as collaborative work with ASU researchers Dr. Malathi Srivatsan, Molecular Biology, Dr. Maureen Dolan, Biochemistry/Molecular Biology/ABI, Dr. Ganapathy Sivakumar, Bioengineering/ABI, and Dr. John Hubstenberger, Plant Micropropagation/ABI, and Dr. Julie Carrier, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville. This ongoing research is funded by the National Science Foundation-EPSCoR P3 Center for Plant-Powered Production and the Arkansas Biosciences Institute.

'Schultze Gets the Blues' is tonight's German movie
The Department of World Languages and Cultures presents German Movie Night tonight at
6:30 p.m. in Wilson Hall, Room 317. The event is free and open to the public. Tonight's film, "Schultze Gets the Blues" (2003; German with English subtitles) illustrates that it is never too late to re-tune one's soul. Schultze is a retired lignite miner living in an East German village; he is also plays accordion and is a passionate polka musician. One night he hears a zydeco tune on the radio, which radically changes his musical tastes. Despite his complete lack of English, he heads out on a trip into the heart of zydeco country, south Louisiana. The film stars Horst Krause. For details, contact the Department of World Languages and Cultures, visit the department in Wilson Hall, Room 220, or call ext. 3887.

ASU Horticulture program holds Fall Mum sale