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ASU faculty, students, meet German ambassador Dr.
Klaus Scharioth
Feb. 3, 2009 --
Eleven Arkansas State
University-Jonesboro students of German and International Business,
along with faculty members from those disciplines, travelled to
the Clinton School
of Public Service in Little Rock on January 14 to attend German
Ambassador Dr. Klaus Scharioth’s discourse on the transatlantic
relations between Germany, Europe, and the United States.

Dr. Yvonne Unnold, chair of ASU’s Department of Languages and associate
professor of German and Spanish, said, “We are grateful for the
sponsorship by ASU’s Office of Academic Affairs and Research for
facilitating this important visit. This visit provided our students the
unique opportunity to meet the German Ambassador and the German
Consulate General of Houston, Mr. Rainer Munzel, in person. At ASU,
students pursue advanced studies in German language not only because
they know it will make a difference in their professional careers, but
because they are keenly interested in international relations and
intercultural exchange. Hence, Ambassador Scharioth’s lecture on the
importance of transatlantic relations, including establishing such
relations as a critical tool for rebuilding our economy, combatting
climate change, and safekeeping our nation, reinforced our students’
understanding of the role that multilingualism and international
relations play in the shaping of the future of our country.”
Participants included Dr. Unnold; Dr. Clint Relyea, associate professor
of Management and coordinator of ASU’s International Business program;
Hanne Pardos, instructor of German, Stefanie Mittermayer, MBA student
and adjunct instructor of German; German language students Alana
Holland, David Finley, Melanie Partin, Jerry Mullins, Kathleen Williams,
and Scott Sheppard; and international business student Reid Robertson.
student Alana
Holland said, “I am very glad I was able to listen to
German Ambassador Scharioth's speech at the Clinton School. Ambassador
Scharioth addressed ten of what he believes to be the major problems
facing the world today, focusing on three—the financial crisis, climate
change, and nuclear proliferation. It was good to hear about major
problems from a non-American perspective. It was interesting to hear
Ambassador Scharioth's explanation of how these problems happened and
what we can do to help begin to solve them. His speech was very
insightful, and I am very fortunate to have attended.”
Sophomore Kathleen Williams agreed. "It was nice to be able to
speak German with the ASU students who came to Little Rock and with
native German speakers in the area who attended the meeting. Also,
hearing the ambassador's opinions on issues such as carbon emission
minimalization and the global economy was enlightening," said Williams.
Finally, freshman Scott Sheppard said, “Meeting an ambassador for
the first time was great—hopefully, he will not be the last ambassador I
meet. Ambassador Klaus Scharioth had many interesting things to say
about various transatlantic issues. Some were controversial, such as his
view on raising American gas prices, but they were not without
reasoning. His reasoning for raising the gas prices were so people would
still have the drive to look for alternative fuel sources. He also
talked of "failing" countries. He wouldn't name any, since he jokingly
said he wanted to keep his job, but he said that the world needed to
care more about countries that were failing, since those countries are
the ones that are most likely to harbor extremist views such as
Sheppard continued, "One thing that particularly interested me was
disdain for the virtual non-existence of passenger trains here in the
United States, and it baffled him that the country that is essentially
known for the train went away from using them so quickly."
Scharioth was named ambassador to the United States by German Chancellor
Angela Merkel in March 2006 after 30 years in Germany’s Ministry of
Foreign Affairs. During his lengthy career, Scharioth has served as
State Secretary of the German Foreign Office, head of the Political
Directorate-General, and head of the Office of the Foreign Minister,
among other positions.
For more information about ASU’s Department of
Languages, contact Dr Yvonne Unnold, chair, Department of Languages,
Arkansas State University, at (870) 972-3887. E-mail or For more
information on ASU’s International Business program, contact Dr. Clint
Relyea, College of Business, Arkansas State University, at (870)
972-3430, e-mail him at, or visit