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Nov. 3, 2006 Arkansas State University - Jonesboro This issue of First Friday is about the capital construction initiative on the general election ballot next Tuesday, Nov. 7. The measure has potential benefits for the ASU-Jonesboro campus. If you vote for Referred Question 1, you will be voting in favor of the bonds. The Jonesboro campus is a special place for students and those who serve them. We try very hard to make this a safe place and one that is accessible to all users. We want to make this a happy place, where personal happiness will be recalled. We attempt to make the campus a place that will be remembered fondly by those who live, study, and learn here. But those efforts are being hindered by the age of some of our most important buildings for study and learning. Consider that the central classroom building, Wilson Hall, is now more than 70 years old, or that the business building, first built for science laboratories, is almost as old, and that the nursing classroom building is of the same vintage. An old classroom building, especially one built for different purposes, does not meet the needs of today’s teachers and learners. These buildings often cannot be retrofitted with modern technologies. The buildings are more expensive to maintain and operate than contemporary structures. They are unattractive, often too hot or too cold, and usually difficult to use. Perhaps most critically, they were not built to the codes that are required in today’s construction. For more than a decade, ASU has sought to replace the functions now housed in Wilson Hall. We want to construct a new classroom building in the center of campus. Plans have been drawn with the advice and counsel of those who will occupy the new building. Wilson Hall could likely be renovated for offices associated with academic programs, such as the Graduate School, The Honors College, or the Center for Learning Technology. The cost to build a classroom building to replace Wilson Hall will exceed $20 million. The state must be the patron for such a costly facility, and it is reasonable to expect the state to provide for a general classroom building for one of its major universities. Efforts will be continued in the upcoming legislative session to secure this funding. While the Wilson Hall replacement project remains the highest construction priority for the Jonesboro campus during the legislative session, other needed construction projects may be addressed in the near term through a state financed bond project. This measure is known as Referred Question 1, and will be on the general election ballot next Tuesday. The proposed bond issue will pay off existing facility bonds for higher education and will create new bonds to make money available for new construction on the two and four-year public university campuses. At Jonesboro, the bonds will yield $9 million for academic development purposes. While this amount is not enough to address our highest priority, the Wilson Hall replacement facility, the new money will allow us to address several other important needs and opportunities. National Lambda Rail Chickasaw Building Delta Center and College of Business Higher Education Bond Program It is important for voters to understand that the Higher Education bonds will not cause an increase in taxes. Instead, the state treasury will simply extend the payment period of an existing bond program dedicated for higher education. Other than the limitation of money provided, the bond program presents no downside effects, but rather presents several advantages for ASU-Jonesboro. The bond measure will make progress toward the goal of providing teachers and learners a campus that is safe, efficient, and memorable for the collegiate experiences found here. If the voters approve Referred Question 1, new construction will begin next year. The campus of any long-lived organization evolves over time, and adjusts to the work to be done there and for the interests of the people who use it. As the current users, we have an immediate opportunity through Referred Question 1 to shape the place we will leave to those who follow us here and for the work they will do. Thank you for reading First Friday. If you have
questions about this material or any other aspect of ASU, please contact
me at leswyatt@astate.edu. Leslie Wyatt President |