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7th Madrigal Feaste to be held
Dec. 1 and 2 at Fowler Center
Nov. 1, 2005 -- In the style of Merrie Olde England
with costumes, decorations, comedy and fanfare, the choirs from the
Department of Music at Arkansas State University in Jonesboro will
present the seventh Madrigal Feaste, Thursday, Dec. 1, and Friday, Dec.
2, at 6:30 p.m. in the Grand Hall of Fowler Center, 201 Olympic Drive.

The Chamber Singers, led by Dr. Dale Miller, director of choral
activities, will host the evening’s entertainment and serve as the court
of King Henry the Eighth of England, Jonesboro, and Craighead County.
Guests will enjoy Wassail Bowl beginning at 6:15 p.m. and seating will
begin with the first fanfare at 6:30 p.m. The music of the feaste will
include traditional carols by the servers and audience, brass fanfares
and harpsichord solos, as well as madrigals and chansons by the royal
court. The menu for the royal feaste will include Cornish game hen and
pork loin, candied yams, succotash, green salad, and rolls. A flaming
pudding will be served with the royal fanfare.
The lords and ladies of the Royal Court, played by the members of the
Chamber Singers, include Cassie Black of Searcy, Jamie Thompson of
Rison, Karen Graham of Mayflower, Krystal Story of Camden, and Mandy
Walker of Whitehall, sopranos; Patricia Register of Florence, Ala.,
Christy Fudge of Newark, Rachel Warnick of Jonesboro, Crystal Stormes of
Goobertown, and Carolyn Smith of Huntsville, Ala., altos; Rusty Shields
of Osceola, Justin Register of Huntsville, Ala., Matt Vardell of
Jonesboro, Nick Robbins of Manila, and Drew Dowdy of Paragould, tenors;
and John T. Hays of Jonesboro, Jon Stevenson of North Little Rock, and
Joshua Wilcoxson of Kennett, Mo., basses.
Perry Harper of Paragould will play the court jester. Andrew Kjorlaug,
also of Paragould, will play the steward. The knaves and wenches will be
played by the remaining members of the ASU Concert Choir. Ellen Philpot,
adjunct instructor in music, will play harpsichord along with student
brass ensemble.
Tickets for Thursday’s performance will be available through Monday,
Nov. 28, at the ASU Central Box Office or by calling 972-ASU1 or
888-ASU-FANS. Friday evening’s performance is hosted by the ASU Faculty
Women’s Club and tickets may be obtained by contacting Carol Tinsley at
All seats are reserved and space is limited. Ticket prices are $35 for
the general public, and $30 for ASU faculty, staff, students, and senior
citizens. Proceeds will benefit the ASU Concert Choir’s concert tour to
Eastern Europe in March 2006.
For more information, call the Department of Music at 870-972-2094.
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