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Fowler Center Series presents Jigu!
Thunder Drums of China, March 25
March 18, 2008 --
Jigu! Thunder Drums
of China will be the fea tured
performance in the seventh event of Arkansas State University’s
2007-2008 Fowler Center Series. Jigu! Thunder Drums of China will
perform Tuesday, March 25, at 7:30 p.m. in
Riceland Hall, Fowler Center, 201 Olympic Drive, Jonesboro.
Jigu! Thunder Drums of China is a world-renowned company of 28 drummers,
percussionists, and musicians hailing from Shanxi Province, China, and
their performances are deeply rooted in folk origins, blended with many
modern musical elements. The exuberant troupe will make their first
Arkansas appearance in Jonesboro. Winners of China’s prestigious
National Star Awards Gold Medals in 1992, 2000, 2001, and 2004, their
performances have been described as “colorful and exciting,” and
“dramatic and heart-stopping,” but Jigu! also promises sheer family fun. The Jigu!
ensemble was founded in 1988, and it has performed in many countries
including Denmark, Morocco, Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, Hong Kong, Macao
and Taiwan, with its first U.S. appearance in 2007.
In Chinese, “jigu” means “to beat or touch a drum.” Ancient Chinese
drumming and percussive traditions date back thousands of years and are
representational in nature; each passage in the ensemble’s performance
tells a story or imparts emotions that transcend mere drum music. Each
passage is capable of conveying many meanings. The selections reveal the
pageantry of epic sagas depicting ancient battles, vignettes about
mythical characters in exotic locales, legendary fables, and the beauty
of nature, including Shanxi Province’s Yellow River, extremely important
in the daily lives of the province’s people.
“Hear The Tiger and The Dragon Roar!” is the ensemble’s spectacular
opening, and the beginning of the audience’s introduction to thousands
of years of rich and ancient cultural tradition being shared through the
ensemble’s majestic, yet exuberant, musical expressions.
The program continues with
passages like “Yellow Ground Music,” “Yellow River Music,” “A
Mouse-Fairy Wedding,” “The Bull and the Tiger,” and “Lady Warriors of
the Yang Family,” a passionate and romantic story of a generation of
female heroes. Nature’s many gifts are celebrated in the music of Jigu!
as well, with passages like “An Autumn Ode,” and “Springtime Paradise,”
in the second half of the program.
Tickets for all Fowler Center Series events may be purchased by calling
870-972-2781 or 1-888-278-3267. Purchase tickets online at On
performance evenings, the box office in Fowler Center opens one hour
prior to the event.
Ticket prices are $30 and $20 for adults; $23 and $15 for ASU faculty
and staff, senior adults, and K-12 students; and $10 and $6 for ASU
students. For more information, call Fowler Center at (870) 972-3471.