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Winners of ASU’s Distinguished Performance Awards are: (front, from left) Peggy
Britt, Beverley Mixon, Shelley Sailor, and Linda Bryant; (back) Roger
Anderson, Willie LaGrone, Al Stoverink, and Chris Enger.
Distinguished Performance Awards
presented to ASU employees
May 3, 2007 --
Arkansas State
University in Jonesboro conducted its 14th annual service recognition
and distinguished performance awards program Thursday for classified and
non-classified personnel. The program in the Student Union Auditorium
was followed by a reception in the Heritage Lounge.
This program was
initiated in 1994 to recognize outstanding job performance and long-time
service by the university’s non-faculty employees.
Eight employees received Distinguished Performance Awards in their
respective employment categories. The employees, their departments, and
their employment categories were: Peggy Britt, Office of
Development, clerical/secretarial;
Al Stoverink, Facilities Management, executive
managerial/administrator; Chris Enger, Human Resources,
non-faculty/professional; Willie LaGrone, Student Union night
manager, service/maintenance; Roger Anderson, Skilled Trades
worker, Residence Life, skilled crafts; Beverley A. Mixon,
Accounting Tech II, Residence Life, technical/paraprofessional;
Linda Bryant, Finance, part-time; Shelley Sailor, Research
Assistant, Department of Nursing, customer service.
The Customer Service
Award is determined based upon nominations by ASU students. Each winner
of the Distinguished Performance Award will receive a plaque and a savings
employees were cited for 30 years of service, and they are: Regina
Bowman, assistant sports information director, Athletics; Ron
Carroll, head athletic trainer, Athletics; Linda Collins,
library academic technician II, Library; Hester L. Hall,
custodial supervisor II, Facilities Management; Dwain Lutrell,
management project analyst I, Finance; James C. McCoy, public
safety officer II, University Police; Patricia Carol Tinsley,
administrative secretary, Career Services; and Randal Wallace,
skilled trades worker, Facilities Management.
Thirteen employees were recognized for 25 or more years of
service, and they are: Greg Chance, news director, KASU radio
station; Martha E. Flugstadt, systems programmer ll, Information
and Technology Services; Janet K. Hardin, director, payroll
services, Payroll; Paula Lynn, instructor/advisor, Wilson Center
for Advising and Learning Assistance; Mike Johnson, director of
farms, Agriculture; Robin Kaloghirou, director of student aid,
Financial Aid; Sue B. Marlay, director, Office of
International Programs; Doug Mathis, plant warehouse
foreman, Facilities Management; J.D. Melton, skilled trades
worker, Facilities Management; Joseph P. Rolfe, skilled trades
worker, Facilities Management; Janice L. Smith, assistant
registrar, Office of the Registrar; Charlene Walton, cashier,
Office of the Treasurer; and Charlie L. Watson, skilled trades
worker, Facilities Management.
In addition, 9 employees were recognized for 20 years of
service. The employees are: Jerry F. Bailey, skilled trades
worker, Facilities Management; Lesa D. Carmack, assistant
director/booking manager, Convocation Center; Karen L. Daniels,
assistant registrar, Office of the Registrar; Timothy L. Dean,
director, Convocation Center; Gary Holder, skilled trades
supervisor, Facilities Management; Jan Nelms, library academic
tech lll, Library; June Taylor, operations/radio production
engineer, KASU radio station; Dr. Richard P. Wang, department
chair, Political Science; Dr. Whitney Williams, program director,
Clinical Laboratory Sciences.
Three employees who have retired or will retire during this fiscal year
were recognized. They are Bill Kidd, Facilities
Management, Stanley Schmidt, Facilities Management, and
Charlie L. Watson, Facilities Management.
An additional 19 employees were recognized for 10 years of
service. They are: Dr. Brady M. Banta, archivist, Library;
Mary Jo Bohrman, accounting tech ll, College of Education;
Michael Bowman, director of distance learning, Center for Regional
Programs; Alison R. Cradduck, custodial worker l; Residence Life;
Deborah A. Davis, computer tech I, Testing; Denny Edwards,
coordinator, Center for Regional Programs; Lisa C. Glasco,
computer tech ll, Procurement Services; Christopher Shane Johnston,
computer support specialist III, Information and Technology Services;
William Kraus, project engineer, Delta Center for Economic
Development; Herbert W. Lawrence, director, Small Business
Development Center; Randy A. Martin, HE public safety commander
I; University Police; Patty Metz, secretary ll, Financial Aid and
Scholarships; Beverley A. Mixon, accounting tech ll, Residence
Life; Vic Nelson, accounting tech II, Accounts Payable and
Disbursing; Keith Nichols, telephone tech, Information and
Technology Services; Dr. Tina Quinn, department chair, Accounting
and Law; Jennifer Short, secretary II, Social Work; Larry
Southard, skilled trades worker, Facilities Management; and
Brandie Tibbs, secretary II, English and Philosophy.
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