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Finalist for associate vice chancellor, Research
and Technology Transfer, to visit
Aug. 29, 2008 --
Michael E. Dockter, vice provost and chief resea rch officer at Saint
Louis University and Medical Center and professor in the department ofbiochemistry and molecular biology at SLU, is a candidate for the
position of associate vice chancellor for Research and Technology
Transfer at Arkansas State University, university officials announced
Friday. Dockter is scheduled to be on campus, Wednesday, Sept. 3.
Prior to his service at Saint Louis University, Dockter built extensive
experience in the University of Tennessee and University of Memphis
medical education arenas, including work at St. Jude Children’s Research
Hospital, Memphis Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Baptist Regional
Clinical Laboratories, Regional Medical Center in Memphis, and Le
Bonheur Children’s Hospital.
He has also worked in the research and teaching areas of
biochemistry/bioenergetics, biochemical techniques, fluorescence,
macromolecules in solution, biophysical chemistry, cell molecular
biology/protein, and clinical flow cytometry. In addition, he was
selected twice as a postdoctoral European Molecular Biology Organization
(EMBO) Long-Term Fellow by the University of Basel, and its research
institute, Biozentrum, in Basel, Switzerland.
The author or co-author of nearly 100 publications, including books and
journals, Dockter is a frequent lecturer and has offered research and
external support or has acted as a consultant for various funded grants
and contracts.
Dockter was awarded a bachelor of science degree in chemistry and is a
graduate of distinction from California State University at Sonoma. He
earned his doctorate from Washington State University in Pullman, Wash.,
in biophysics/biochemistry.